"You will fucking die if we stay here longer... " London's face is flaming with rage, his eyebrows drawn in a deep frown and his lips pulled in a tight line. "You will die..." He repeats, voice breaking letting that information sink in.

"I won't, hey, I survived you and your psychotic husbands. I'm not really worried about a bunch of crazy witches." Milo chuckled through his tears as he took the older's hands into his smaller ones and put them on his wet face. "I'm immensely strong, I might be human but I never admit defeat before I'm actually dead."

"That's too fucking b-" London was about to open his mouth and give the later a sarcastic comeback to lighten up the mood when the double doors were pushed open.

"Looks like you two lovebirds are up." A fair young lady spoke as she appeared into vision.

A gasp left Milo's lips as they both turned to the source of the noise but as soon as they lifted up their eyes, they weren't in that room anymore. Reality shifted very quickly, resulting in both of them getting dizzy and utterly confused. London was looking around frantically and hiding Milo's small frame behind him.

"What the hell..." Milo spoke under his breath when he realized that they were now in the woods after dark.

London who was looking at the witch with stone cold eyes felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of the familiar woods.

"Does this new location ring any bells?" The witch who was previously by the bedroom's door was now standing by a thick old tree that faced them.

Milo couldn't believe his eyes, looking down, the once bloodied floor was replaced by dirt and tree branches. His first instinct was to hold onto London's bicep as he stared at the sky, confirming that they were indeed in the outdoors.

"Why... " Upon hearing the shaky word leave London's mouth, Milo looked up to see the cold man with swelled tears and a crimson red face.

"Why are you doing this." London's scream startled the poor boy who flinched away but the dark fairy couldn't care less. With long strides, he walked to the witch but just as he reached to strangle her, she vanished into thin air, reappearing behind him.

"Is this some kind of sick joke to you??" London was yelling again, his voice breaking the more he spoke, he tried hard to fight the tears and not give the malicious woman the pleasure of seeing his break.

Milo, who took few steps back was watching the commotion with trembling hands, he had no idea what was going on, seeing London turn around himself to try and catch the crafty witch made him astonished and just as he was about to stop him, they heard steps from behind them and the three went silent.

There, four men walked over, one of them holding a passed out woman on his arms and the other one holding a young boy's hand.

The boy couldn't be a day older than seven, he had the softest features and his eyes looked very familiar, they held the same determination and spark as someone he knew.

The six newcomers were all dressed in white robes and they were walking directly towards them. Milo cautiously looked over to London to see that he was silently shedding tears at the scene. Just as he meant to reach a hand and reassure him that everything will be fine, the four men walking right through them. As if they weren't even there.

Shock overtook Milo's features, his mouth opened agape and his eyes were bulging as the three of them turned around to watch what was going to happen next.

The four men put the passed out woman on the ground under the thick tree, forming a closed circle on her and immediately, they started to chant in an ancient language.

The little boy, however, was sitting outside of the circle as the ritual took place. Watching with his curious innocent eyes as the men finished preparing and one of them took a knife out of his pocket and slaughtered the woman's throat, making Milo gasp in shock and cover his mouth.

He wanted to run over and prevent the young boy from witnessing the scene but before he could make a move, the same guy who slaughtered the poor woman, took a goblet and put it under her neck, letting it fill with the fresh blood and presenting it to the child who drank it to the last drop.

At that scene, Milo couldn't handle more, he turned around to London, the fairy's face was overflowed with tears, a sight Milo didn't think he'd live long enough to see.

"You don't have to watch that..." Milo whispered, pulling London by the arm to turn him around and force him into a tight embrace.

He didn't have to be a genius to understand that London was somehow related to that scene. It was obviously a memory that hunted London for many long years.

"I killed her." London sobbed into Milo's shoulder and broke down onto the ground.

Then it suddenly clicked, the young boy was the young version of London and that could be his mother, the ressemblance was uncanny.

Milo didn't hesitate to fall down with him and hold him as if the world depended on it. He started rubbing his back gently as he screamed and tried to trash away from the embrace.

"You were just a kid..." Milo whispered gently into the broken man's ear and kept on caressing him. "You didn't kill her London..."

He started rocking him in his arms, hoping that would somehow help the pain that seemed to each his heart out. That's when he noticed the scene was replying again.

The woman wasn't killed yet. The four men were walking again towards them, one of them holding baby London's hand and the other carrying his mother... They were stuck in a loop.

"Why are you doing this?" Milo screamed on the top of his lungs at the malicious witch who was still standing before them, hands behind her back and a develish smile on her lips.

"It shall be on the day that the lost heir returns, a secret man shall cause an age of failing crops and a new fury." She spoke in riddles before disappearing into thin air and leaving them stuck on their hell loop.

"No, no, no... Comeback... Get us out of here!!" Milo screamed to the sky and held London tighter than before.

By that point, they were both crying their hearts out in each other's arms. One, because he was forced to relieve the hell he swore to forget and the other because he was helpless in face of his friend's misery.

But after all, Milo was right and they were inside London's head, now he has to figure a way out into reality.

Published : June 15th, 2021.
Edited :


Double update because when you double the bow you double the power, you double the intimidation and you double the RESPECT.

I'm sorry, this chapter is kinda shorter than usual but I felt like it should end here, I hope you enjoyed it!!
If you did, please please please let me know what you think of the story so far and this chapter specifically. I want to hear your opinions.

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