They walked up to the second floor where their room was. Lillian led Kai down the hallway until they reached a door, which was numbered "216." Lillian looked around quickly, when no one was around, she leaned in and gave Kai a quick kiss before unlocking their room. Kai was frozen for a moment before she followed Lillian into their room.

Their room wasn't huge, there was one bed, a bathroom, and a small kitchenette. The bed was large enough for both of them and the bathroom seemed pretty spacious. On the back wall, there was also a window with curtains. The carpet was a light shade of blue and the walls were a nice cream color. The room was better than a tent so Kai was happy.

Lillian dropped her bags and headed towards the bed, instantly dropping down face first.

"This feels so nice, my legs need a break," Lillian groaned into the white comforter. After a few more groans she flipped over onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

Kai walked towards her and once she reached the bed she placed both hands on either side of Lillian. She leaned in and pressed her lips into Lillian's. She felt the princess' hands wrap around her cheeks and chin and pulled her in more. Kai would never get tired of her lips or smile, or personality, or her. They kissed for a few more seconds until Kai stood up and flipped onto her back, lying next to Lillian.

"Me too," Kai sighed, she closed her eyes and let herself let out a large breath. She heard Lillian laugh beside her, and Kai smiled and laughed in response/

Kai's hand was grabbed by Lillian's and they lay there in peace.

* * *

They laid in bed until they were too energized to stay still and Kai's mind was racing. Lillian had fallen asleep an hour and a half ago and Kai was getting anxious to work on her plan. They had limited time and every minute counted, she needed to work on her plan. It had to be perfect before she could show it to Lillian, and still, Lillian had no idea what the future was going to be for her unless Kai changed it.

She slowly scooted her way out of bed, trying not to wake Lillian up. As she made her way out, she paused and froze a few times when Lillian would roll over or make a noise. Once she was free, and she knew Lillian was still asleep, Kai walked over to her bag. At the bottom was the plan, still in list form. She sat down, back facing the bed, and began to work. She started by researching places in the world where they could run away and hide. She pulled out books containing maps of Europe and located remote places where they could hide away for a while.

They needed somewhere that was far away, but still walkable, and somewhere they could live a seemingly normal life. From the map, Kai located a few places in Northern Europe and a small area in Ireland. Kai mentally checked off the first box and scribbled it down on her list.

Kai continued working on the plan, figuring out when they could leave and how long they would need to hide. She also figures out what they needed to buy from the town and the castle before they left. However, she only got partway through before she heard rustling behind her. Before she could turn around, she felt hands on her shoulders. Kai quickly hid the plan in her bag and turned around to face Lillian with a smile on her face. She hoped Lillian had not read the pieces of paper, the plan wasn't finished.
"What is that?" Lillian questioned, her brows furrowed and she started at Kai.

"It was nothing," Kai responded with a smile.

"I know you are lying," Lillian accused.

"It's not important," Kai spoke, she was starting to get annoyed and just wanted to drop the subject and enjoy the day.

"Then why can't you tell me?" Lillian pushed, she let go of Kai's shoulders and sat on the bed.

"Why can't I keep this to myself?" Kai hissed. She looked Lillian in the eyes, she could feel a fight coming and she had no intention of losing. Even though Lillian was looming over Kai, she didn't let it break her.

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