Chapter 15

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The stars were perfect in the sky. Each small dot of silver and white shone brightly against the dark sky that covered as far as the eye could see. The smell of the night was fresh and energizing. And on top of that, Kai was lying next to the most beautiful girl in the entire universe, no matter how large it was.

Kai and Lillian were nearing the end of their stay in the small town of Kilerth. They were staying for only two more nights and Kai didn't want this heaven to end.

They had spent the whole day hiking and Kai's feet were sorer than any previous day. It might have been the speed change or the climbing. Now that Lillian was wearing more pants, they were able to walk faster as well as taking new more adventurous routes. But Kai wouldn't change it for the world.

After leaving the town they were to hike a little while longer and stay at one more town before they would reach the castle in Europe. Kai was still working on her escape plan for her and Lillian, and time was running out. She needed it to be done by the time they got to the castle.

On their second to last night, they decided to go stargazing. They walked up to the hill located in the park in the center of town. This time they didn't race, they walked up to hand in hand. It felt comfortable and almost normal to Kai. When they reached the top, they laid down on their backs and allowed their hands to stay connected.

They enjoyed each other's company more than the activity, but it mattered nonetheless.

"So, what is the french word for stars?" Kai asked after staring at the sky for a few minutes.

"Étoiles," Lillian responded with a smile. "And planets are planètes."

"It sounds so fancy and magical when you say it," Kai gushed. She sighed and stared up into the sky again.

"Wanna try? I can help you," Lillian offered. She sat up on her elbows and looked towards Kai.

"Sure," Kai smiled. She too sat up.

"Okay, repeat after me," Lillian instructed, "Étoiles"

"Étoiles," Kai repeated. She focused on repeating exactly what Lillian said.

"That was actually pretty good, just make sure to hit the t," Lillian smiled.

"Okay," Kai smiled as she laid back down.

Kai and Lillian had spent a little over an hour up onto that hill, pointing out the stars and constellations that they saw, and soon clouds started rolling in and it slowly became colder.

"I think it's going to rain," Kai commented, as they started down the hill.

"Yeah," Lillian replied, she walked next to Kai and subtly grabbed her hand again. No matter how many times Lillian had done that Kai's heart still beat against her ribs and her breath became shallow. "You know what this reminds me of?" Lillian questioned.

"Huh," Kai responded, as she started running her thumb up and down Lillian's knuckles.

"The ball in that one town we stayed at," Lillian sighed. She looked at Kai and a smile shone on her face.

"Oh," Kai laughed, "that was quite a night." She took a moment to recall all of her memories with Lexi, Olivia, Lucas, and Kyle.

Lillian smiled, "You looked very good in your suit," she added.

Kai blushed and responded with, "Thank you, and you were absolutely gorgeous in your dress."

"I honestly found the whole thing pretty boring," Lillian said as they started on the road to the Inn. "Well except for the dancing bit." Her smile grew.

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