Chapter 8

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 Once Lillian had awoken and the duo was out of bed, neither of them said anything about the cuddling incident. The princess seemed to ignore the whole situation, even though Kia could swear she was at least half-awake throughout the debacle. But nonetheless, the whole situation passed by as if it was something they did every day. Kia didn't know what to think of that, should they talk about it? Or should they just ignore it? Apparently, the decision was already made and Kia had no intention of switching it up.

Between the both of them, the camp was packed up and ready to go in a matter of minutes and they were ready to head towards the town. They had gotten better at cleaning up the site and packing up became a job that was done in minutes. Kai was going to miss camping and the seclusion it brought, But she was also ready for a change of scenery, she hadn't seen any once else besides Her Highness in a whole week and she might have gone crazy if it didn't change soon. Talking to a picture of her dead father didn't really bring the comfort another person provided.

They walked down the hill and onto a road that led through fields filled with flowers, from the map it told Kai that this would take them to the town. The field looked like a painting, with the wind area of light purple flowers. They were slowly and carefully blowing in the wind and seemed too delicate to touch. Although that didn't stop the princess, who walked over and picked a flower out of the ground and continued walking. Kai ignored her and led them to the town.

Another thing that was driving Kai crazy while they walked on the path to the town, was the silence, in the beginning, it was nice and relaxing and now she couldn't stand it anymore. She felt like she had absorbed too much of it and was now drowning. She had run out of thoughts to think and memories to remember, so all that was left was emptiness. She took a breath and decided she had hit rock bottom, which means speaking to Her Highness.

"Are you happy to finally be surrounded by other people and not in the woods?" Kia laughed. She turned towards the princess to see her face, something about her face flipped a switch in Kai's mood.

"Yeah," she replied, she was definitely unsure about what Kia was doing, but Kia didn't care.

"Me too," Kai continued, but then the conversation came to a screeching halt. She didn't know where else to go and she realized she hadn't needed to make a conversation with someone in a long time. During her years of training, there wasn't time for talking, only working and fighting.

She sensed Kai's confusion and took it upon herself to continue the conversation, for some reason, even though Kai did not need the help, especially from Her Highness."Have you ever been hiking like this before?' She questioned.

"No, but I also thought camping was fun and I wanted to try it," Kai answered.

"Me too!" Lillian exclaimed, "But we never had time, so I have not until now"

Kai laughed, and rolled her eyes, "Why? One of your servants couldn't take you?" She didn't know why she always went back to being mean, but it filled her with something she couldn't describe.

The princess turned her head to face Kai and shot her a death glare, but Kai didn't falter. "Not that you would care, but life was pretty busy, therefore we didn't have much time for things like camping or hiking." She sighed and turned her head back towards the path and the flower in her hand.

Kai knew she had to be kinder, but it was hard when this snobby princess was getting on her nerves.

She decided against speaking and went back to her thoughts, no matter how boring. She was mad at herself for always arguing and fighting but she couldn't help it, and why should she. She had spent years training to be hard and cold, why should she change now?

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