Chapter 9

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Kai had never worn a dress or heels, she honestly had never had the interest to, until now. Her Highness had forced Kai out of her room and into her's. She had been pushed onto the bed and she ran to her large closet. Kai sat in silence observing the princess's room. It looked much like her except for a few clothes and other belongings scattered around. She swore she saw a few pictures, some makeup, and some extra paper.

The princess walked out of the closet with two dresses in her hands. One was light purple, with long sheer sleeves and a long skirt, the other was a light rose-gold pink with a large poofy skirt, and an off-the-shoulder top. They both were very extravert and almost breathtaking.

"So," Her Highness began, "Which one?"

"Uh-" Kai stalled, she had no idea, "I like the pink one, it matches your hair and eyes better." Wow, she had no idea where that came from, and both of them had shocked looks on their faces. "W-w-well I mean," she stuttered, "I don't really know, the purple one is nice too."

The princess smiled and her face changed to an emotion that Kai didn't recognize, but it was gone as fast as it appeared, much to Kai's dismay.

"Listen," The princess said, a small smile creeping onto her face, "I know you probably have never worn a dress, and only live in pants, but I need your solid opinion."

"What makes you think that?!" Kai asked, half curious and half offended.

The princess let out a short laugh before saying, "You seem too muscular to wear a dress."

Kai laughed at her response, no matter how hard she tried not to. A small amount of heat grew on her cheeks, and she swore she was blushing. "Thanks?" she laughed.

"YOur welcome or whatever, but anyway choose one?" She responded.

"Um, which one d you like?" Kai asked.


"I like the pink one."

"Are you just saying that to disagree with me?" She laughed.

"Sort of, but I do like the pink one," Kai said, her voice no longer harsh and cold. The mood had changed to something Kai wasn't prepared for and instantly felt uncomfortable.

"Okay," She sighed, bringing both dresses in front of her, "I will decide later." She threw both dresses on the bed and went back into her closet.

Kai waited, sitting on the bed until she got bored. She stood up and walked over to one of the pictures on the dresser. It was of a young blonde girl with green eyes, Kai assumed this was the princess when she was around Ivory's age, surrounded by an older boy who looked about two or three years older. The boy had blonde hair as well, but he had blue eyes. They were in a garden with roses and other flowers, some looked purple in the picture but Kai couldn't tell. They looked very similar and almost could be siblings. But the princess had never mentioned an older brother when she was irritatingly rambling on about her family. Why would she leave out a sibling? Where was he now?

Kai was dragged out of her thoughts and questions when she heard footsteps walking behind her, it was the princess holding another dress in her arms. A look of rage and horror was etched into her face. She was slowly turning red and for the first time, Kai was nervous about what was going to happen. Kai was frozen in her position, she was holding the picture in her hand and her other hanging by her side.

"What are you doing?!" she demanded. She had dropped the dresses and was slowly walking towards Kai.

Kai, unknowing backed up, the picture in her hand. "I was just looking," she said, a slight quiver in her voice. She looked down at the photo, why wasn't she giving it back?!

The princess snatched the photo from Kia's grasp and pulled it to her chest. "HOW DARE YOU GO THROUGH MY STUFF!! DON'T YOU HAVE A SENSE A PRIVACY!" she yelled.

"HOW DARE I? MAYBE NEXT TIME DON'T LEAVE STUFF IN THE OPEN IF THERE SO "PRIVATE"," Kia yelled back, she made sure to use air quotes on the word private. Kia threw her arm in the air in amazement, who does this girl think she is?

"CAN YOU NOT JUST RESPECT MY PRIVACY?? IS THAT SO HARD FOR YOU TO DO!" she responded, she had placed the photo back on her dresser and was walking towards Kia again.

Kia backed up, "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" Kia yelled, "IT'S JUST A PHOTO."

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!" she shrieked, she took a pause in advancing forward from surprise, but then continued forwards towards Kai.


The princess paused again and a look of panic swept over her face. She had had enough and pushed Kai backward, over and over again until Kai's back hit the wall, she was cornered. Both of them were panting and it was silent for a few seconds. Up close Kai could see a few tears welling up in the princess's eye. Had Kia struck a chord? Could she use this to her advantage?

She placed her hands on the wall on each side of Kai's head and started her in the eyes. The princess was only a few inches away from Kai and she could feel the warmth of the other person. Kai was taken back to that morning in the tent where she was at peace and the warmth she felt in those early hours of the morning. Kai could see Lillian's lips, they could touch her own if she only leaned in a little.

NO, why was she thinking these things!?! What was wrong with her!? She needed to clear her mind and focus on the situation she had just put herself in.

The silence ended when she whispered, "Don't you dare ever say that again!"

"Will do," Kai began, "Your highness," she finished with a hiss.

Kai shimmied out of her trap, for a princess she was pretty strong and stormed out of Her Highness's room. The dresses were still on the floor and bed, the picture returned to the dresser. When she left she swore she could have heard a few weeps from the princess but Kai forced herself to leave. Fuck her and her pretty lips.

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