Dream #26

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Another lovey dovey, old friends to enemies to lovers edition ✨ And i just realized that all these lovey dovey dreams, keeps reminding me of how single i am ;-; also, idk how to write down fight scenes so, i hope this is okie. but anywas, enjoy :)

I was sipping my morning coffee while looking out on the view of the early busy morning aka, the city. Cars honking on each other, neighbors being noisy, and all the smoke from all the smokers rising to my window. And up on valentino st is my home. Don't be fooled by the size of my apartment. It may be small, but I got a job that gives me big game money. I suddenly got a call from my kitchen telephone. I put down my coffee onto my small table next to the window i was looking at and went to the kicthen to pick up the phone. "Hello?" I asked the caller "Ms. Jennifer! It's me carl." He said with a giddy voice. He's my sidekick. The velma of our little spy group. "We got a new mission from the boss." He said as i can hear faint sounds of tally hall in the background. Prolly listening to music through his speakers again. "Ight. I'm on my way." I said as i put the phone back on the wall and took my last sip of coffee.

Time skip to the base, at the edge of the city

As i went to sat at the crescent shaped table, i saw my other colleagues sitting there beside me. On my left is thomas. Really good with knives and will not hesitate to stab u

(Just like my best friend whEzE)

And on my right is sasha. Very quiet and sneaky like a mouse when on missions but, as loud as fireworks when u get to know her.

And lastly, my good pal carl. Who is next to sasha. Still wearing his plain white coat and semi broken round glasses.

Our boss came in through the big two doors and sat infront of us. "Good morning everyone." He said with his usual british accent. "All of u might be wondering why i sent u all here." He said. Noone answered except for sasha who was raising her hands. Our boss sighs and smiles at the sight of it cuz it looked funny and plopped down loads of paperwork in front of us. He pulls out a remote controll and pressed it as a projector went down from the ceiling and started showing pics of an old friend.. "Her names kleir. She's planning to steal The Quagmire Sapphires and u 4 need to stop her." He said as we all look at the screen then her files that our boss gave us to give us more information about her.

For sum reason, i felt giddy when i read her sexuality is lesbian.

"She'll start her plan tommorow at midnight. U all up for the challenge?" He said as he pressed the remote controll again then the projector retrieves to the ceiling then smirks at us. "We wont let u down, boss!" Me n carl said in sync. Our boss nodded "u r dismissed" he said as he got up and walked out through the same doors he went to get in.

Another time skip, Quagmire Mansion

We were all disguised as workers in the mansion. I worked as the maid, sasha and thomas as butlers, and carl is back at the van to keep track where kleir and the others are. "Got anything yet?" I talked to my airpods to ask carl. "Not yet. Although, my screen is starting to get buggy. I might need to fix that." He said with a bit of static in his voice "alright. U go fix on that. I'll check back on u in a bit." I said as i continued to roam around the halls quietly while trying to find any signs of kleir.

Untill, i heard a crash from one of the rooms. I quickly but quietly ran into that said room but noone was there. Just a broken window and sum books that fell from the shelves. I felt a presence from behind me so i quickly dodged their attack and twisted their arms from behind. It was kleir. Her long ginger hair swooped around my face as she carried me and slammed me to the ground. I quickly got up and pinned her against the wall. "U won't get away with this." I said to her while i stare directly at her beautiful yet dangerous brown eyes. Her face was close to mine it's almost like we were about to kiss.. then my cheeks started to heat up from the thought of kissing her. "Wut's wrong? Fantasizing about someone? And that dress looks good on u~" She smirked as she kicked me on the stomache wich made me took a step back. "Maybe.. and thx." i said as i looked at her with a clear view of her whole body. She was wearing black clothing and bandaids around her arms and hands. Prolly from the electric fence. "Well, they must be real special to be fantasizing about in a time like this." She said as she was about to strike me with her pocket knife but i blocked her attack and managed to pin her on the wall again. "U know, ur cute when ur mad, jenny~" She flirted at me. My face heated up again "y'kno, it's been years since we've talked. How's it goin?" She said as she eased up on the grip she had on the knife and puts it back on her pocket. Me still pinning her, ofc. "Great. Got a job as a spy and, i kinda knew u would have the balls to try to steal the Quagmire Sapphires." I said as she snickered "wut can i say, i've always wana try doing the bad stuff." She smirked "god her smirk makes her look cute- wut r u saying?? I thought these feelings died years ago" my thoughts started to argue about my feelings towards kleir. "U good?" She asked "wut? Oh- i'm fine. Just thinking about stuff." I said as i un-pinned her and we started to talk more.

Untill, she puts her hands on top of mine. I looked down at our hands then up to her face. Her eyes were glittering like the night sky. As we both clossed our eyes, our faces clossing in on each other, our lips finally touched. Sinking into the kiss, we both put our hand to each other's faces. But i quickly put mine on her waist. We kissed deeper then she wrapped her arms around my neck as i pulled her closer to me. Hands still on her waist. We pulled out of the kiss to take a breathe and stared at each other. "I never knew u had feelings for me." She said "i never knew the same thing." I said as we both started to laugh.

"Heya!" I jumped at the sound of carl from my airpod "dude! U scared me for a sec there." I said to him. "Sorry. I managed to un-bug the computer and kleir is in that very room where u r in!" He said with a bit of hurry towards the end. "I know. And don't worry. She's an old friend of mine. And, she might join us on our spy trips." I said as i smiled at kleir and she smiles back. "Well, that's great news! R u sure she didn't steal a Sapphire tho?" He asked "nope. Not a single dust. Plus, i've been with jenny the entire time I was in this mansion." Kleir said next to my airpods. "Oh! U must be kleir. Sooo, wut kind of affair do u two have?" He asked as we looked at each other, then back at the airpods as we both answered


"Alright. I'll tell the the gang that we can go back to headquarters and tell our boss that she'll be joining us!" He said happily. "Welp, we should go back to the van." I told kleir. "Yep." She said as she tangled her fingers around mine. We smiled at each other and went out if the building to the van..

end of dream


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