Dream #14

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Warning. This has fucked up imagery and rotting corpses. If u don't like spoopy stuff, pls kindly skip to the other dream. Oh n one more thing..
(Asher, Shawn, Misia)

(Dylan, can turn into human)

Here r sum references photos of me and pazzmidablitch's OCs :D
Anyways, enjoy :)

Idk if I count this as a nightmare or not but, it was smth. Also, fair warning, there's a line here that is absolutely fucked up. But anyways, enjoy reading.

Me, mylie, jian and the others (also counting 3sins and Dylan) (P.S Dylan is in his human form in this) were goin trick or treating. (And let's just pretend it's Oct 31) we all have a plan on after trick or treating around the neighborhood, we'll visit the scary house. It sounds like kids made it up to scare the other kids and really stupid but, we did heard sum town folks about the house actually being haunted. Saying that a couple and their daughter, who owns a grave yard, was mysteriously murdered on Halloween night (aHem michael myers ahEm) the wife got electrocuted while taking a bath. The husbend rot while watching tv. And the daughter hang her self. But people say that the daughter didn't actually hang her self but smth hang her. Even the police confirmed it.

Anygays, we're done trick or treating. Me and everyone else was excited to go to the house. Jian got his phone out (cuz he's the only one with wifi out of all of us ;-;) and open Google maps. We rode our bikes to the direction the map is telling and we head off. The house is really far from town cuz it was on a high way. We exited the town and went to the high way. Good thing me, Shawn and mylie bought snacks for the road. Shawn, Dylan and jian also bought watr just in case we get thirsty (I'm always thirsty ;] Lmfao gottem xD) "turn right" said the gps so we did. Wich made us leave the high way and into a dirt road. "For *insert math* killometers and you will be at ur destination" said the gps. We all kept biking on the dirt road while we have our fash light on. One, cuz it's dark. Two, cuz it's foggy. Until, tombstones start appearing on the side of the small dirt road. "I don't like where this is going" (pure food boi) Shawn said. "It's okie, Shawn. I don't like it here either. But it's not that scary" Said Misia. "Yeah! Look on the bright side. Right after this, we can go back, and eat all the candy we left back home." I said. "Ig ur right" Shawn said with a bit of bravery when he said it. "U have arrived at ur destination" said the gps. It was a big house. Two floors and a dead tree in front. (Basically the house from Annabelle's creation) we all got goosebumps and the atmosphere got cold (ofc meaning there's ghosts near bye) "Holy shit there's ghosts near bye- HOLY SHIT THERE'S GHOST NEA-" Liam got cut off by mylie slapping him across the face "sorry" he said "don't be! Ur excitement is just escaping from ur mouth! The house is littered with spookyness and horror!" I said "so, wut'r ya'll waitin for? Let's go!" I added and skipped inside. I swing open the door and we were all in awe. The house looks so vintage. And we can see the husband's corpse still on the couch and the tv open from the door way. "Holy shit" we all said Misia and jian almost puking from the smell of the corpse. Every one else covered their nose. While me and mylie don't mind the smell (👉😎👉) "ik this is how people die in movies but, the excitement is too much. Let's split up" I said. "works for me" Dylan said while winking at Liam as they walked to the kitchen (anioop- 👀) "alright. I'm goin up stairs. Who's comin?" Mylie said. "Me!" Me and jian said. Wich leaves Misia, Asher, and Shawn all alone together. Or r they?

Anygays, me, mylie and jian are just exploring the up stairs looking through rooms and messin with shit (Wich prolly made the spirits mad lmfao) I went into the bathroom and saw the corpse of the wife "damn! It smells like bacon in here!" I said to myself then laughed. I looked at the mirror then saw a glimpse of the wife in the mirror. Then the second I decided to get close, it disappeared. Then I look back at the corpse but, it's gone. "Wowie okie. Guess I'll die" I said to myself then laughed (lmfao if I was In a horror movie xDD) "yo! Ya'll Kno the wife being in the tub right?" I said. "Yeah? Wut about the wife?"  Jian said.

"r u gonna fuck the corpse?" Mylie yelled (IDFK Y SHE SAID THAT IT'S JUST- WHY-- I-)

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"r u gonna fuck the corpse?" Mylie yelled (IDFK Y SHE SAID THAT IT'S JUST- WHY-- I-)

"pfffttttt nah. The corpse ain't there" I said. "HaHahsHa wut-" mylie got cut off laughing by her realizing that the corpse ain't there. "Yeah get over here!" As I look back, there was a black figure about to snatch me with it's long fingers but with my fast reflexes, I slam the door at it's face. I grinned at my little Victory. "Y'd ya close it?" Mylie asked "there was a black figure about to snatch me with it's long fingers" I said casually. The shock on their face was priceless. But I laughed on the inside. Then, we heard a scream from down stairs "THE CORPSE IS GONE" We heard Misia scream. We quickly went down stairs. And she's right. The husband's corpse wasn't there anymore but the tv is still broadcasting static. "Welp, the wife's corpse is gone, the husband's corpse is also gone! Wuts next? The daughter's corpse is gonna start swinging but there's no wind??" Mylie said "guys! The daughter's corpse started swinging but there's no wind!" Dylan came in sliding his feet on the floor. We all ran outside, Liam teriffied asf ran then hug Dylan once we went at the back of the house. Indeed the daughter's corpse was swinging also holding hands with her parents. Suddenly, the most traumatizing moment for us, the corpses' head slowly turned up side down while chanting "luos ru rof gnimoc si natas" over and over. Then a huge black creature with the faces of the family, huge mouth, saliva dripping from it's mouth, and multiple limbs stared charge after us. We ran around the house and onto our bikes. We peddled as fast as we can while the creature is still chasing after us. Suddenly the dirt road felt longer than we first entered. The creature was so close that we can feel the heavy breathing right on top of us about to eat us. Until we hit smth. It was the cops' car. It's was really foggy and we didn't get to react as fast. Especially when smth was chasing us. The cops noticed us and helped us get up. "Wut and where u kids?? The whole residents said that they haven't seen u guys in weeks!" Said the cop. We were confused cuz that was only one night but apparently, it's already been weeks. We were all confused and went back home. Still hoping the creature isn't coming for them...

End of dream

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