Mother Darkness

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Mother, mother darkness please listen kindly

My heart is heavy and I tremble in fear I'm afraid my hope is blinding

The darkness oh sweet darkness

Mother darkness hold me tightly

The doubts cease to stop my thoughts race nightly

Mother, mother darkness I can't go to sleep

For in my heart floor boards creak

Frivolous hopes and painfully unwanted dreams run free

I don't want these hopes and dreams for it is the broken promises of happiness that haunt me

Mother, mother I am scared

Mother, mother are you there?

I can't hear a word you say

please give me a sign

I'm hurt and alone for I want what is not mine

Mother darkness please sing me to sleep

Sing to me ever so sweetly

I'm a scared little girl inside

Tired of the fears of heartbreak that I hide

Sing please mommy I don't want to be awake

Please mommy I don't know how much more I can take

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