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(modern setting, age 25)


Gabis POV:

I stared at the test in denial, the image of the bright red plus unable to leave my brain.


It's not that I didn't want a kid, I mean Falco and I were married after all, I guess I just didn't expect it to be so soon. We had only gotten married 7 months ago, and I was afraid he might leave me since he might not be ready.

I knew Falco wasn't that type of man, but my mind couldn't stop from wondering if he might leave me anyways. I know I could be difficult at times and I was emotional, but I didn't know what I'd do if I lost him.

I loved him more than anything, and the thought of him leaving me over this was heartbreaking.

"Angel, are you alright in there?"

I heard a knock at the door, quickly panicking and turning my attention to the voice of my concerned husband.

"Y-yeah! Give me a second, okay?"

I sighed before hiding the test in the cupboard under the sink. I then stood up and fixed my hair in the mirror, trying to look at least somewhat put together.

I then opened the door to see Falco standing there with a face full of worry. He's always been super overprotective of me, wanting to make sure I was safe at all times, even as kids. Though I couldn't deny how special it made me feel, and it was pretty cute.

"Are you okay?? You've been in there for 15 minutes now! Are you sick? Do you need me to take you to the doctors? Did you hurt yourse-"

I leaned up and silenced him with a kiss.

"I'm alright silly, no need to worry so much!"

He only looked down at me and sighed. He knew I wasn't one to ask for things even when I needed them, so I couldn't blame him for worrying even a little bit.

"Alright, but please tell me if something is bothering you, okay? You know I'll always be here to help Darling."

Even after years of being together, I still couldn't get used to those pet names. Each and every time I ended up blushing, which might be the reason he uses them so much.

"I know, don't you worry."

I then placed a gentle kiss against his cheek, before heading towards our bed to lie down. I was honestly feeling exhausted, which was something I wasn't usually used too.

He quickly followed behind me, lying down in bed with me and wrapping his arms gently around my waist.

Shit! What if he feels a bump??

I didn't want to move though, because then he'd definitely know something was off. So I decided to just stay put, hoping he didn't notice anything.

"Are you sleepy? We can have a nap if you'd like! I'll even put on those nature sounds you love so much."

I couldn't possibly deny a offer like that.

"I would love that, thank you."

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist, my chest laying lightly against his chest. I loved listening to the sound of his heartbeat, it was always able to calm me.

"You'll always love me, right?"

I could feel him shift, his grip softly tightening around me.

"I will always love you Gabi. I wouldn't marry someone I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with, okay? You don't have to ever worry about that, I promise. You're going to be stuck with me for a long time."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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