Sleepover (pt 2)

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(modern setting, age 16)


Gabis POV:

It had been about 3 days since I went over to Falcos house to sleepover, and my parents still weren't home. Stupid business trips. I wasn't really that mad about it though, it gave Falco and I more time to spend with each other.

We had gone out for ice cream, went to the new restaurant down the street, and even made a pillow fort downstairs! It was super fun, but I did get a little carried away in our pillow fight. I did kiss him better though!

Since his parents came home, they've been extra nice to me. I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling it has something to do with Colt. He's been all weird around Falco and I, giggling and smiling whenever we're together.

"Gabi! Want to go to the store with me? We can get some Gatorade and chips to share!"

I turned around to face Falco. It has been really nice since we confessed our feelings for each other. I've been a lot happier as well.

"Sure! Let me just get changed real quick!"

I ran upstairs to his bedroom, grabbing an outfit and running straight to the bathroom to get dressed. I was going to wear this cute red dress that Falco bought me when we were out yesterday. Ever since I showed him the first one, he's been insisting on buying me more.

I looked at myself in the mirror, brushing my hair quickly to make sure it looked good. I've never put so much effort into looking nice for someone before, I just really wanted to impress Falco, even if I know he thinks I'm absolutely beautiful no matter what.

Once I was happy with the way I looked, I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs to meet up with Falco at the front door. As soon as he saw me his jaw dropped, which always made me happy. I liked making him flustered.

"Oh wow, you look absolutely beautiful Gabi."

I blushed at his comment, looking away quickly so he couldn't see. I still feel silly over how embarrassed I get around him, but I guess that it's just natural with someone you love.

"Thank you Falco! You don't look to bad yourself."

I smirked at him as he started blushing. It was so cute how easily he got flustered around me. I just couldn't help teasing him about it.

I then grabbed his hand and walked out the door, closing it behind me. We started walking towards the store, which luckily wasn't too far away from his house. I wasn't completely sure why we were here, it was probably something his parents asked for. I don't mind though, since they have been feeding me everyday.

Once we approached the store, I quickly let go of Falcos hand to grab a cart, hearing a disappointed sigh in return. After I grabbed the cart, I brought it over to him so he could push it and I could hold onto his sleeve.

He then grabbed the cart handles, and started his way into the store, with me following beside him. I looked over at the small grocery list he got from his parents before they left for work. It wasn't a big list, so it wouldn't take too long.

"Oh, look Falco! We should get some of these, I've seen this challenge on Tiktok a lot!"

He looked over at the product I had in my hand and blushed. I had picked up a box of pocky, something I discovered online.

"I'm not so sure Gabi.. I mean people often use
those to kiss, y'know?"

I walked up to him, placing the box into the cart. I then looked up at him and smiled.

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