Changbin ended up getting them fast food and even though Jimin insisted on paying him back Changbin didn't listen and completely ignored him while munching his sub.

Jimin took a bite of the sandwich enjoying all the flavors that burst into his mouth.

"Thank you," he smiled softly.

Changbin just nodded stuffing his face with food. It was small moments like this that made Jimin feel so happy like he was on a cloud.

Suddenly someone came into the boutique.

"Hello!" He said chirpily.

"H-hello," Jimin responded bowing at his customer.

" ah, yes I'm in a bit of a rush I was hoping to get a vintage suit," The stranger said scratching his neck nervously looking around the boutique.

"Oh yes, I have a few in mind," Jimin smiled at the man before going to a few racks full of suit picking especially one he thinks would suit the man.

"Here you are,"


When Jimin got home he was so tired he ran up to his room feeling all his energy disappear. He laid on his broken mattress. He sighed. He didn't move because everything ached.

"God," he said softly.

"Please don't hate me for liking him..." he whispered softly.

"I- I really like him you know... I can't control it I wish I could... but I know that's not an excuse." Jimin whispered. He knew that it was wrong after all his brother died sticking for this behavior of his.

"Please...don't hate him either..." Jimin said softly.

Slowly Jimin cried himself asleep.

. The next day at school 

Jimin was held by three boys getting punched repeatedly by one.

"P-please," Jimin was cut off by another punch.

"Shut your mouth!" Joe said angered. Jimin loved his time at school but he hated times like these, times where he felt so helpless.

He was waiting for another punch but it never came. He slowly opened his eyes to reveal Yoongi holding Joe's post with one hand.

"Don't fucking touch him," Yoongi seethed. He twisted Joe's arm kicking under his kneecaps making him kneel in front of Jimin as the three other boys ran for it. Yoongi lifted Joe's chin.

"Fucking apologize to him," he demanded.

"Why should I?" Joe tested Yoongi. and Yoongi wasn't having any of this bullshit.

Yoongi punched Joe knocking him over. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he cried out.

"If you touch him ever again I will make sure you won't have hands to touch him with anymore," Joe nodded his eyes wide almost as if he was crazy. Yoongi punched him once more.

And he was out,  for a few hours at least.

Yoongi quickly offered his hand to Jimin who hesitated to take it but did. Yoongi offered to support Jimin but Jimin refused. But Yoongi wasn't having it and put his arm around the boys tiny waist. Jimin was surprised but smiled at Yoongi.

Yoongi wanted to scold Jimin be angry at him for being so careless about everything that just happened. But he couldn't he was too worried.

"When did he start doing that to you?" Yoongi asked softly.

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