"Taryn you finna get banned from my house if you keep banging on my door like that, sick of getting noise complaints from my neighbors." He said mumbling the last part.

"Why you dressed like we going to the club? We chilling and eating food, why you make everything hard." The man complained.

"Nigga it's a outfit."

"Kids are here Taryn, I told you that shit when you said you was bringing a friend, I said kids are gonna be here so dress appropriately, clearly you couldn't get that through your thick skull."

Justice stood there quietly as the two went back and forth. Eventually a girl came to the door. She was lighter than Justice, her curly hair was in a messy bun and she wore a Boyz in the hood graphic t-shirt and white pants with holes in the knees.

"Kari why you got this girl standing outside like this." The girl said referring to Justice.

"Man look at Taryn bruh, we got kids in the back."

Taryn wore a lavender cropped hoodie that covered her nipples and blue jeans.

Justice thought the outfit was cute but if kids were around maybe it wasn't the best choice of clothing.

"You act like my tit gonna pop out or sum." Taryn groaned.

"You and Taryn can argue all you want later, who's this?" The girl genuinely asked.

"She's my best friend, Justice." Taryn said mugging Kari.

"Hi." Justice greeted putting her hand out.

The girl looked Justice up and down and pulled her inside shutting the door behind her.

"I'm Asia, also you're way prettier than Taryn described."

"She described me how?" Justice asked as they walked not even paying attention to where they were going.

"She described you like you were ugly, which you're far from."

"Wow." Justice mumbled.

"I love your locs by the way."

"Thanks, I did them myself."

"They look good as hell, you do hair?"

Justice was still in shock about Taryn describing her. She didn't like that.

"Yep, Donna's Salon on East Street."

"Let me know when I can book a appointment cause I'm sick of this." Asia said referring to her hair.

Justice looked around they were clearly in the kitchen.

"Is Taryn over here a lot?" She asked outta curiosity.

Asia opened the fridge grabbed two water bottles and put them on the counter. She opened one and took a sip then said "She's over here when she wants to be, manly to hug up on Trey or to get drunk or high."

"You know Trey?"

Asia nodded and took another sip of water. "He's my cousin, Kari's my brother."

"Taryn manly kicks it here because Trey and her are fuck buddies which I think is honestly disgusting, he's on and off with Amara like a light switch and fucks with Taryn whenever he wants a quick nut. I don't agree with a lot of the shit Taryn says or does but she's here and I'm here so I keep my thoughts to myself."

Justice nodded she really liked Asia.

"Where is everyone?" Justice asked noticing how quiet it was inside, besides a few people.

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