twenty three - a walk

Start from the beginning

"Hey Kisecchi," Sasaki was the first one to speak as they walked, "you're a model, right? What's that like?"

"Well, I go to locations and get pictures taken of me after I'm dressed up," Kise answered, looking up at the sky thoughtfully. "I'm glad it stopped raining."

"Me too," Sasaki joined him at looking at the sky, smiling slightly before sighing loudly. "I'm so tired! Friggin nuts.." He grumbled, causing the other male to chuckle.

"You've worked hard. Also, about Aominecchi," Kise's eyes were hard as he said the other man's name, not actually wanting to talk about him in Sasaki's presence. However, he also wanted to be helpful. "I challenged him almost every day at Teiko to a one on one, but I've never won."

"Wait, really?" Sasaki's eyes widened. "Damn, got me on guard. Any advise?"

"Not really," The blonde shook his head, "Just like Midorimacchi said, go out guns blazing because he's the real deal."

"Got it," Sasaki nodded. A few steps later, Kise opened his mouth again.

"Hey Sasakicchi, what do you like to do for fun? Other than basketball," He added at the end, knowing that was probably what they both did for fun mainly. In response, the other male shrugged.

"Well, I'm not big on reading, or video games, so I normally just clean house or jam to some music, go out to karaoke with some friends, play streetball--wait you said besides basketball.. Then, yeah that's all I can really think of."

"Wow, you're so normal, Sasakicchi!" The blonde exclaimed in surprise, making him chuckle.

"I guess so," He smiled, "At least in that area of things."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kise raised an eyebrow at his phrasing. Was he unique in another aspect?

"Oh it's nothing, don't mind me," Sasaki suddenly waved him off, but the blonde wasn't having it. Catching his hands in his, Kise pulled Sasaki towards him.

"No, I want to know. You can tell me anything, Sasakicchi."

"Errr, okay.." He trailed off, confusion rendering him obedient. "I'm sorta rich cause I own a bunch of KFC's cause I like eating there so much."

"Y-you own KFC? Like the restaurant?" Kise's eyes widened. Wow, that really was a surprise. "That's so cool Sasakicchi!" He beamed at him, making the other smile back.

"Yeah, it really is."

"By the way, I couldn't help but notice you've never really mentioned your parents before," The blonde brought up, "you don't have to tell me if it's a bad subject, it's just that I'm curious about you and wanna know more.."

"I'd like to know more about you too, Kisecchi!" Sasaki smiled in return, "And don't worry about that stuff. My parents are CEOs so we never really see each other. It's not a big deal," He shrugged. Kise could tell there was more to it than that, but since Sasaki didn't seem to want to tell him, he didn't pry further.

The two engaged in some small talk until they arrived at Sasaki's lodgings, the whole time Kise had yet to let go of Sasaki's hand. "Thanks for walking me back, I had fun."

"Me too! Let's hang out some time soon," The blonde replied, his facial expression going soft as he looked at the person in  front of him.

"Then I'll see you later. Get home safe, Kisecchi," The two hugged, and during that hug Kise wished it would never end.

"I will! Sleep well, Sasakicchi," The blonde waved as the person in question was closing the door to his home. As soon as the door closed, Kise's face dropped. "I know you're there."

"Perceptive as ever, Kise," Midorima appeared from the shadows. The blonde grabbed Midorima's collar, pulling him towards him.

"Sasakicchi is mine, Midorimacchi. I won't tolerate you trying-"

"First, we should move elsewhere," Midorima's gaze went to the door, and Kise's gaze followed. "You lack tact."

"Tch," The blonde shoved him away, his eyes raging as he glared at him. "There won't be a second time, Midorimacchi. I'll kill you if I catch you here again."

"I wonder who will kill who," The greenette smirked. "You should consider the situation, Kise. He's about to meet Aomine, the most vicious out of us all."

"What exactly are you saying?"

"We should form a temporary truce," Midorima suggested, "To make sure Sasaki doesn't get hurt. We don't know what Aomine will do. Once he's taken care of, we can resume this pointless struggle."

Kise's eyes narrowed as he glowered at his former teammate for several seconds before sighing and putting a hand on his hip. "Fine, I see where you're coming from. Sasakicchi comes first, so I'll agree for now. I'm already in a truce with Kurokocchi so you guys better talk too."

"Very well," Because if you hadn't, I would have had to take care of you right here, Midorima thought to himself as he fingered the knife in his pocket. And that would be detrimental to my relationship with Sasaki.

But as Kise said, his safety comes first. I can't have another yandere wandering around when Aomine is involved.

Meanwhile, Sasaki was sprawled out and snoring in his bed with his mouth open and drool seeping out of the corner of his mouth, not even noticing the commotion outside.

(Ayyyyye we got some yandere action!!)

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