
Jimin was flustered by all the coffee's and their names. He never knew there were so many. But he liked the sound of cake. The cake sounded delicious. He probably had his last one around almost 7 years ago. On his birthday... he doesn't celebrate his birthday anymore though. Even though his father would not tolerate his breathing on the day, he still wouldn't celebrate it either way.

"I'll have a medium caramel macchiato,"

 Yoongi ordered looking at Jimin and nodding towards him. Jimin took the hint but he felt bad that he wanted cake instead of coffee which Yoongi had taken him out for.

"I'll have the same but small," Jimin said before smiling at the cashier who seemed like they were brought back to life. The cashier nodded before smiling back at Jimin.

"That would be ₩3500," the cashier said Jimin reached into his pocket taking out his wallet and paying for both of them before Yoongi could even pull his out. Surprising Yoongi slightly he expected Jimin to make him pay or rob him or something. It felt a bit unusual.

He thanked God for having a well-paying job with a great boss. It was truly a blessing but the work was tiresome. He shuddered at the thought of yesterday. making him silently winced at the pain that shot through his body. But Yoongi didn't notice.

After three minutes of waiting they had their macchiatos in hand and sat at a table near a window in a dark corner. As soon as they sat down they were silent. Jimin was hesitant to try the drink he picked it up blowing light into his cup before taking a little sip. It was sweet. And soft it was amazing. Jimin's eyes sparked he was fascinated in every way. What was this heaven?

Yoongi saw this and chuckled silently.

"So," Yoongi said in an unusually loud voice startling Jimin.

Causing the poor boy to let out a surprised yelp. And he mentally smacked himself because pain shot through his body again.

"God I need to stop scaring you," Yoongi muttered feeling bad about Jimin flinch whenever he raised his voice.

"Do you want to tell me something about yourself? Like maybe something you like?" Yoongi asked wanting to be sincere for once.


Jimin thought instantly and his cheeks heated up. And he took a sip of his drink nervously. He liked the guy too much for his own good.

"I like..." Jimin said before his mind wandered.

"The beach," he finished. At first, Yoongi's mind was going places.

"I like how peaceful it is, my best memories include the beach. It makes me feel...almost safe." Jimin finished before giving Yoongi a shy smile.

"What about you? What do you like Yoongi?" Jimin asked catching Yoongi off guard.

"I like composing, sometimes me and Namjoon hyung get together and make music, songs, and everything it's one of the best things in the whole world," Yoongi said before taking a sip from his cup. He was scared of what Jimin might think of music, not a lot of people didn't believe it was a career like his mom.

"I can tell," Jimin said without thinking.

"The glow in your eyes says it, how much you cherish music," Jimin quickly added making Yoongi's ears turn red. He was surprised Jimin was saying that. He was a nerd, wasn't he supposed to be somewhat conservative?

"Thank you," he mumbled. Jimin nodded before smiling softly.

Suddenly Yoongi got up confusing Jimin.

"I'm just gonna go use the washroom," Yoongi informed Jimin who nodded.

Yoongi went into the washroom locking the door. Pulling out his vibrating phone and answering it.

"What is it RM?" Yoongi asked urgently. Not wanting to leave wondering what was taking so long.

"We have a mission at 1," he said and Yoongi checks his phone he had 30 minutes to get there.

"You're telling me this now?" Yoongi asked calmly but he didn't know why he couldn't leave Jimin. He wanted to know why the boy wasn't petrified of him with all his stupid rumors circling the school every other week it always something different.

 But Jimin? He was sweet and understanding and he didn't care. Even if Yoongi were to go without telling him Jimin wouldn't complain but Yoongi couldn't do that to Jimin.

He felt like a person when he was with him. Everyone was always shaking in fear just because of Yoongi's presence but Jimin? He just smiled and went on with his day. Jimin made Yoongi feel less like a monster, less like a gang member, less like a beast who killed people, Jimin made him feel normal and it was surprising he wanted to be treated normally.

"Suga you know the drill," Namjoon said through the phone softly knowing to not push the guy.

"Fine, I'll be there in 20 minutes," he claimed sighing.

He got out of the bathroom and looked over at one of the cakes Jimin was looking at earlier. Yoongi was sure Jimin was going to get one but he surprised him with a macchiato. He bought the chocolate fudge cake for Jimin giving it to him.

Jimin stared at it, and his eyes widened when he realized it was for him.

"Oh, Yoongi how much was this I'll pay you back-" Jimin said reaching for his wallet.

"No," Yoongi said quickly leaving no room for discussion. 

"I've scared you a lot today here's something to make up for it," Jimin was surprised he felt tears filling his eyes. Yoongi noticed this and it surprised him. This was the closest thing he's done to apologizing. He never apologized because he never saw his fault but with how fragile Jimin was he could easily pick on his faults.

  A tear slipped past Jimin's right cheek and he quickly wiped it away making sure he stopped crying because he didn't want the makeup to come off and reveal the hideous mark on his face.

"Thank you, it- it means a lot," Jimin said struggling with his words. Yoongi had no idea that someone would cry from being so grateful for a cake. He almost smiled back at Jimin if he hadn't stopped himself. What was he doing to him?

Yoongi sat back down.

"What's your favorite color?" Jimin asked surprising Yoongi and he looked up at the boy who was excitedly eating cake for the first time in 6 years.

"Do shades count?" Yoongi asked unsurely and Jimin chuckled nodding.

Yoongi felt his chest warm for the boy.

He felt human...

"Mines baby blue!" Jimin said before frowning,

"And baby pink..."

"And yellow..."

"And every other color that exists," Jimin gushed happily. Yoongi looked at him and couldn't help but roll his eyes playfully at the boy sitting in front of him. He was making his way into Yoongi's heart something no outsider could get into. And Yoongi didn't see a problem.

Not yet.

-I made progress! Word count: 1802.-

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