Author's Notes

68 3 0

The End.

Wow, I still can't quite believe it. I can't wrap my head around the fact that "An Art of Balance"/ "AoB" / "that goddamn story that costs me my last nerve" or however I have called it over the last 6 months is really and truly over.

How far we've come together.

Who would have thought what this little idea I had in my head back in December and that wouldn't let me sleep until I had written half of the first chapter down would turn into. When I started drafting the plot, it was intended to be a little, about 18 chapters worth of story to get my dormant writing skills back into swing before starting on a more complex work I wanted to do. I hadn't written a single word of prose in almost 15 years at that point.

Now, half a year, about 110k words and a lot of incredibly great friends later, look what this story has turned into.

Thank you to every single one of you who took the time out of their day to read about Lizzie, Orion, Skye, Charlie and all the others. You have no idea how much I appreciated every single like, kudos, reblog and comment. I love you all with all of my heart.

So, is that the end of Lizzie's and Orion's story? Well... it was supposed to. But I realised that we're not quite there yet, I still have one or two (or many) things I need to tell you about.

I have several bonus chapters I still need to write, which is why the story isn't marked as closed yet. My next immediate project featuring them will be a Band/Rockstar AU in collaboration with my dearest . Simultaneously, I'm working on the second instalment of "An Art of Balance" called "A Search for Balance" (or SfB as you may have seen in some tags) and a Warcraft AU.

And who knows, maybe one day I will actually be able to write that Charlie x MC fic as well. xD

Thank you so much for the continued support! I love you all!



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