Chapter 2: Secrets Spilt

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A/N: Chapter 2, here you go. I can't believe how much I missed writing, let me tell you :D Also, looking at my draft and at how high the word counts for every chapter I've written so far turned out... we're in for a long one, hope you'll stay with me through it. Enjoy!

Warning: mild swearing, use of alcohol

Word Count: ~ 2.700


Orion leaned back contently, supporting his weight on the bench with his hands and let his gaze wander through the Great Hall. It was looking magnificent as ever, packed to the brim with students new and old, chatting excitedly, the air humming with positive energy. They had just finished their welcome feast and waited for the new first years to be escorted to their common rooms, so the older students could follow up.

He felt a smile spread on his face. As much as he appreciated the summer break to reset and focus on himself, there was nothing quite like coming back to what was home to him. He looked at each of his friends around him, grateful for having found so many people over the last years he considered his family.

A group of newly sorted Gryffindors walked past, being ushered along by Gryffindor's newest prefect. Charlie Weasley, star of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Orion eyed him up curiously. He was undeniably gifted when it came to playing seeker. As a matter of fact, Orion wouldn't put a professional career past his abilities. If they wanted to have a chance to win the House Cup once again, they had better watch out for him.

When he passed where Lizzie was sitting, he nonchalantly saluted her with two fingers put to his forehead and grinned. Lizzie stuck her tongue out to him before she started laughing and waved back. Charlie gave her a wink and continued along after his brother Bill and their charges. Orion noticed Skye giving Lizzie a glum look.

"Stop that, Jameson, this is competition you're flirting with."

"I wasn't flirting, I was waving at a friend. Get a grip, Skye." Lizzie snapped at her, clearly exasperated.

Skye only snorted at that. "Whatever. He's in another house and on top on another team. You can be nice to him all you want, once we've shown Gryffindor the ropes on the pitch."

"What if we're playing them last, do you expect me not to talk to one of my best friends for the whole year or what?" Lizzie shot her an angry glance. "Besides, if you weren't so consumed with seeing everyone as competition, you could actually benefit from me being friends with him. He is excellent on his broom. I bet he could even show you a trick or two."

Skye bristled up at that and Orion felt resignation set in. He had hoped Lizzie and Skye would last at least a week until their inevitable bickering commenced. Although they had been playing on the same team for so many years, their different approach to the sport they both loved so much invariably led to tensions. Tensions that were his responsibility as the team's captain to resolve.

"Everyone has their strengths as well as their weaknesses. We should not concentrate on others but focus on how we can overcome our weak sides to rise stronger than before." He leaned over the table pushing the two girls glaring at each other gently apart. "It is no use to fight amongst ourselves when we have a common goal to achieve."

"He's right, you know", Penny agreed happily. "I've had enough of the Cup being dressed in blue and bronze already. You two be nice to each other and take it back for us."

Much to his surprise, Skye actually let it rest at that, only muttering a stubborn "They could show me shit, Jameson, as if..." but Lizzie wasn't listening to her anymore. Rowan was walking past with their new housemates in tow and Lizzie jumped up, walking over to her. Though Orion couldn't hear what they said, he saw Lizzie return of few moments later, looking puzzled and Rowan leaving with the first years.

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