Twenty three

45 0 0

Im in fucking captivity in my own fucking house
Then spencer came vinnies assitant i swear ot god he sexualises everything


S-yeah hot stuff

B-how about we take a trip out to the mall

S-mama cita im not stupid

B-fine your boring

S-and your desperate i sont blame you i mean look at me ;)

B-my god when does vinnie come home?


B-cant i even go for a run

S-girl you skinny enough.

B-ehh okaayy. Ehm rude

S-ehm truth

Spencer left

I took on some cozh clhotes but and red underwear
And watched tv

When it was about 8 on the night
Vinnie came with hunter sleeping in his crib

V-my god he is a wild one


V-yours till mad huh?

B-you xant fucking hold me in captivity all my life

V-yeah i admit i shouldnt have done that but it was just so you wouldnt suspect something on my suprise

B-HUH. Suprise you said? :)

V-uh yeah

He gave me some papers and a gift box i started with the papers

V-i know that you dont like to work at all so i signed you up , i mean sign it if you agree of course i wont force you to sign up

Oh my thanks

B-yes i would love that but whee should i get the money? That i need to survive

V-ill give you 2 million dollars for the resr of your life

B-2 mill?

V-bah actually i knew you would ask that so i shared our credit balance

B-i normally would insist to say no but hell no free cash for life aint a no

V-also knew you were going to say that

I opened the box
It was a lingerine i saw the price 300 dollars! Wtf
And it was a card that said

Yeah as you see it isnt just
A gift for you;)

B-damnn ur cocky ass.

V-oh baby i dont think you know how much im craving you right now

5 months later of having t great together and

One night vinne came and we were watching s movie as usuak hunter was asleep then we went to the bedroom and i practally slammed him on the bed



V-we need to talk

I sat besides him

V-you know i love what were doing right?


V-but it cant keep going on like this i mean were not even in a realetionship.i love you you know but we cant just fuck around i just wanna make sure that you can keep up with my lifestyle


V-bella you know what i mean, im a gang leader i shoot people and i cant leave the gang you know that its a mafia family one of the top 3 biggest.

B-yeah i know but i still love you i want pt be with you

His voice started getting more serious and angry

V-BELLA tell me you want to be with me in my eyes tell me you still want to be with me even if i get blood on my hands every day. Even if hunter maybe has to take over if he will.even if i can risk my life every day tell me you still want to be with me!


V-thats what i tought

B-i cant answear that

V-its a no or yes question

B-but i love you

V-dont fucking tell me you love me

B-but i do i wanna be with you

V-your not looking me in my eyes,


V-you will never love me for the person i am and thats okay, but dont say you wanna be with me,because thats a fucking lie

B-but i dont wanna lose you please.

V-you think i wanna lose you?

It went quiet

V-i-im gonna leave have a good night bella

He stormed out before i even told him a sentence

What have i done
I went crying to sleep
In the morning i dropped hunter off at my mom and dads i just wanna cry every minute ness came

N-okay hunny whats wrong

I told her evrything

The power i hold|vinnie hacker Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя