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Vinnies pov

?-vinne aa

V-yes spencer

S-bella is here

V-great. Ill tell her to come meet me tomorrow

S-uhm vinnie

V-yes spencer?

S-i think she had a baby in the backseat


I screamed at my buisness i swear everyone could hear it

S-yeah it had the same hair colour as you

V-ill tell cruz to make an investigation on it it cant be true that i have a child and she hasnt told me.

S-like buddy i know she is the only one that you've ever loved but women can do some crazy shit

V-you say? Anyways we have to continue on the gang things.

S-what do you want me to do?

V-kidnapp adriana lamesso

Here is a picture.

S-god she is stunning

V-you wanna know who killed your father?


V-i used my extra time on the investigation and i found out her dad is the one who tortured your dad and eventually left him to rot under the ground

S-i will with all pleasure do it, but why i ofcourse want to do this but what does that help the gang?

V-because if lamesso grtd vanurble we can strike down and get his drugs and sellf them theyre worth 11,4 million dollars you dont say no to that do u?

S-no of course vinnie but i gotta say thanks for finding her

V-anytime spencer anytime,excause me i have to see if i have a child or not

S-yes ofcourse i mean if shes your baby momma i cant fantazize about having sex with her more :(

He laughed


He left wuth a cheeky smile

I went to my secret under base ut was up in hollywood


Everone turned theyre head


Cr-yeah boss?

V-you have a new case you will get paid a lot for this

Cr-yeah alright what is the case

I told hil everything

Cr-wow baby already tought you diddnt want one

V-it ovbiously wasnt my intention

Cr-yeah i know your dad will be furious when he finds out

V-thats why he isnt going to know ever!

Cr-alright alright got it , i should get results in like 3 hiurs or something i think

V-thats fast,

Cr-thats why you hired me ;)

V-yes i guess

I went back to new york and got to my skyscraper fuck i was ready to go to sleep
When i opened the door a naked woman was there oh god i havent had a one night stand since bella

C-hey husband

V-cathrine what are you doing here?

C-well i just know you havent had a good sex since me ;)

V-i have you werent that good you know.

C-vinnie, you dont mean that i mean comon look at me im ready for you ;)

V-cathrine please just go

C-vinnie i diddnt show up for nothing

V-ive had a long day and im angry frustrated-

C-take it out on me ;)

V-security will take you out and leavw the key on the kitchen table


I just walked upstairs into my room and went to sleep

Back to bellas pov

Someone ringed the bell hunter was in the livingroom playing so i went for it


Cr-hey bella we just got i messasge about your sink can i please come in?

B-is there something wrong about my sink

Cr-yeah im afraid you have dirty water in the kitchen sink im here to take a look at it

B-uhh yeah sure

I had completly forgot that hunter was in the livingroom playing and laughing and screaming

I could see him looking at hunter while he was walking past the living room to the kitchen

Cr-your son?

B-uhh yeah.

Cr-he looks like a real charmer but really familiar

B-yeah haha.

He looked at my sink and said

Cr-well the water is not dirty i can say sorry for the interruption

B-yeah its okay all for the dirty water i guess.

Cr-hah yeah.

B-whats your name btw


B-last name?


B-okay have s good evening

Cr-you too

The power i hold|vinnie hacker Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat