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Still vinnies pov

When i woke up she was cuddling me eew i slightly pushed her away and got ready for work

The sex plan did not work all i think about is her

What am i gonna do.
Ive never felt this happy feeling or a feeling at all in a long time ive only felt anger and sadness but when im around her i feel happy i feel loved.......


When i got to work she was 1 hour late

When she finally arrived she looked hangover and her mascara was mushed over her eyes slightly and lipstick all over her mouth but hair was fine and still the same dress but still perfect

V-went great i assume

B-eh wha- oh yeah we madee ouuut

V-woohoo tell me all about it

I may be in love with her but i still wanted to be her bestfreind

B-well we were first at the resturant i started feeling secound toughts but then we started talking one thing lead to another and boom we made out

V-did you guys have sex?

B-no we diddnt thats the problem


B-we started making out and we went further but i stopped i said i diddnt want to go further

V-why the frick would you say that?

B-i dont know i felt like it wasnt the right time then.... Ya know i kinda just wanted to be freinds at that moment

YESS she diddnt like it so well

V-freinds? Hmm sounds good

B-yes for you! I want him i really do but when im with him i dont want him

V-i would say drop him keep looking

B-easy for you to say you dont have to worry about realationship

V-i have a fiancee

B-how many girls havw you cheated on her with

V-i dont know i stopped counting when i was 15 ;)

V-what am saying is that if you really loved him you wouldnt doubt

B-guess your right then

B-i probobly look like shit now

V-your not wrong

V-one question why are you leaning on everything you walk by

B-my legs dont work i kinda tripped on the way to worl and one of my legs is weird i caint move it

V-ill help you on the way up to your office

I picked her up in bridal style

We started looking at eachoter like we did when we shared that moment for like 1 minute i clapped back and then started walking

Bellas pov

He looked at me with stars in his eyes it was like i was the only thing in the world for him then he clapped back then walked me to the elevator and up to my chair he placed me down i did some work and then my foot was all fine again i could walk perfectly

The power i hold|vinnie hacker Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat