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But i was still attracted to him wtf
How did i still love him

The next days i had no work i was off work

1 week later i had craves all the time i started gaining weight and puking every morning

N-i bought something for you

B-what then?

N-pregnancy test woooooooooowwww

B-im not pregnant

N-you have been moody and puking and you look fat


N-and how long since you have had your period huh?

B-5 weeks

N-your pregnant dont really swe whats the point in taking this your pregnant

I took the test

I waited

B-take it i dont wanna see it

N-fine see the results

N-uhmm congrats i guess with vinnie junior

B-your joking right?

N-bella you PREGNANT

B-oh fuck.FUCK

I couldnt belive it im pregant with vinnies child and he is a gang leader

1 week later ive started to accept the fact that im pregnant
But i think that not telling vinnie that im pregnant
For the babies sake if its in a family with vinnie he is probobly gonna die because of his enemies and its too dangerous

Some days later i got a call from vinnie


-hey bella

-uhh hey? How have you been

-im great just got divorced

-ohh thats new i guess

-can we meet up please bella?

-i cant im sick to my bones

-can i come over then

-im sorry but nessa has the flu and pukes a lot dont want you to catch it everything you need to say can be done over the phone right?

-right, hey bella


-i miss hearing your voice i miss you in general

-who wouldnt miss me ;)

-shutup you cocky ass

-you cant say shit

-thats actually right

I heard an familiar voice it was pablo the one during the shooting scene

-gotta go it was nice

He hanged up

Probobly some gang things

Again another reason why this baby should be a secret.

8 months later

i havent left the house for 6 months because if vinnie or some of his men saw me pregnant vinnie would never forgive me.

But nessa was there for me tough under the whole progress

When i was walking around suddenly my water broke


Nessa rushed me to the hospital

After a 4 hour long session of doing birth things i finally held him in my arms he was madly beautifull first i regretted having him but now i am in love with this beautifull creature.

He was adorable

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