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About 1 year later

I moved to italy so vinnie wouldnt catch me with a baby
Ya know?
It was hunter's birthday today i wished vinnie was here but lets be honest i dont think we want that to happen

My mom dad and some of my girl freinds and some of my guy freinds And uncle and stuff

Mom-oh darling he have grown so much

B-yeah i know right

Dad-what kind of dad dosent come to his son's first birthday

B-dad i said he had some important errands

Dad-oh his birthday phhffft

Oh yeah i told the dad was name nicklaus my parents never saw him tough and thats great

Mom-oh the clock is getting much honey we have to reach the flight!

Dad-oh yeah thats right

We hugged and said goodbye to my guest's

N-so when are u gonna tell your parents the truth? Huh

B-when its right

N-alrighty then im gonna leave i have to visit my parents fuck

B-okay bye.

N-bye mwa

She left with her coat

I took hunter to his bed
I named hin hunter cause i dont know vinnie reminded me of a hunter ig

When i laid him to sleep i also got to sleep its been a fucking long day oh thinking about my bills and stuff

Out og nowhere a call came from vinnie oh frick i had completly blocked him from my life

I answeared kinda shaking

V-hey sweetheart

I could practally hear his smirk trough ghe phone

B-hey vinnie

God it was nice hearing his voice again

V-you know how long have you been without work now or on a vacation as you say it

B-ill work from italy?

V-no our main company is at new york thats where we co partners live and work

B-cant i-

V-youve had 1 year and 2 months off now i recall you comming back darling

B-but i still havent-

V-sorted it out i know but fuck that you have to come back either you sign up or you come back if you come back the plane is going tomorrow 6 am

B-vinnie seriously i cant-

V-cya there

He hanged up

Fuck what am i supposed to do

The next day
I said my assitant all the things she had to do

I couldnt live at vinnies penthouse slash apartment anymore because of hunter.
So i found another apartment i made sure that hunters room was secured with a metal door and only one key But of course his room had a beautifull view and everything a baby could fucking dream of

This meant i wasnt short on money anymore so i could buy him whatever i want.
And myself for that matter

When we got off the plane

I got in a black range rover and i sat hunter in his baby seat In the backseat

As i was driving in new york a man came up to me fuck it looked like one of vinnies men and i had hunter in the back seat too

?-si si, excause me are you bella?

B-uhh yeah?

?-si,ill tell vinnie your here



The man looked behind in the backseat weird but i diddnt give him time to adjust it Before i drove off

B-shhh hunter you gotta be quiet

When i finally got to my destination ness was already there

N-hey hey come in and heeyyy hunter

B-yes i probobly have to put him in his room for now he is exhausted

I put hunter to his bed and tuckled him in wuth the blue green sheet

God he looked like vinnies mini version ness said that to Everything was alike her hair colour her eyes was brown green blue and her nose she got from him

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