"You're not making any sense," she said, trying to keep her tone reasonable. 

"You are right, it makes no sense," Patrick admitted close to her ear. "But I seem to have developed a need to touch you."

Shivers ran down her spine at the seductive words. He pulled at her hand so that her arm was hard against his muscular chest. She was no weak ninny; she knew exactly what was happening. In truth she had initiated it, when she kissed him the very first time they met. Patrick was seducing her.

"Lady Violin?" Lady Summers called out. Patrick let go of her arm, breaking the spell he had woven. The scent of polished wood came to her as the matron approached. "I do hope you are going to be satisfied with the instrument." 

"Thank you, Lady Summers, it is beautiful." Violet took the violin in her hands and moved away from Patrick. "Where would you like me to stand?"

"Right this way!" Lady Summers moved off, and Violet followed without another word to the silent man behind her.

It took a few moments for the gathered assembly to settle and then Violet turned her face towards her hostess.

"Is there anything in particular you would like me to play?"

"Oh, I am sure anything you play will be just perfect," the hostess was quick to reassure.

Smiling her thanks, Violet tucked the instrument under her chin, lifted the taught bow and began to play. Beethoven's violin concerto filled the room, brushing over the listening like a soft caress. It was not a piece Violet played in the circus, but one she loved. A girl who could not see playing music written by a man who could not hear; it seemed quaint and she felt a kinship to the man who had lived long ago.  

As her fingers flew across the strings, her thoughts drifted to the man who watched her from the back of the room. Despite the dozens of other guests crowding around her, the scent of him was distinct, clear, strong. 

Patrick wanted her and if she were honest with herself she wanted him too. She knew society frowned upon women who would give themselves to any man other than their husbands, but Violet did not adhere to that kind of thinking. She had grown up amongst gypsies and so held altogether different views on the matter.

There was no dishonour in indulging ones passions, no deceit in wanting a man and telling him so. While she was growing up, Violet had been afraid to act on her desire for any of the men she had come to know at the gypsy camp. It wasn't the men that frightened her, she had been afraid of everything back then. Unable to see, she had not been in control of anything. She would trip over stones, knock over pots and pans, walk too close to the camp fires and find herself on the ground more often than not. There had been too much fear for her to possibly enjoy a man. Too much uncertainty to give herself to anyone, even if she had found someone she felt passion for.

But she was in control now. She was unafraid and she would explore the intense desire she felt for the man who had moved closer, and was leaning against the wall a few feet away.

His scent came to her, wrapping her in a delicious wave of heat.

Yes, she would take Patrick up on his unspoken offer, but on her own terms. Being in new surroundings had left her exposed, but she was calmer now and she had no intention of letting any man seduce her. She would have him, because she wanted him. Despite the face that he was a blood drinker.

The song came to an end and was followed by uproarious applause. 

"Lovely, absolutely wonderful!" Lady Summers came to her side, her delight obvious in her tone of voice. 

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