Chapter 21

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" I struck a deal with her. I'm going to draw five designs each week in exchange for wages and if my designs are popular she will take me on full time! Can you imagine, Violet, I will design dresses all day!"

Violet heard the excitement in Sarah's voice and smiled. "I am very glad you are happy Sarah."

Two limber arms embraced her, startling Violet with their warmth before she allowed herself to relax.

"Don't think I don't know who I owe all of this to! I wish there was a way I could repay your kindness."

Violet pulled away from the embrace, the memory of the last time she had been hugged this way suddenly leaving a sour taste in her mouth. Two days after blinding her, her mother had discovered that Violet stole her father's ring when she was away. Pulling her out of her bed, Cook ran with her into the forests surrounding her home, embraced her for a long time then told her: 'Run away child! Run away, and don't ever come back!'  

"You do not need to repay me, Sarah. But if you really do want to help, you can find me my brush. I can't seem to remember where I put it."

"Your brush?" Sarah moved around Violet's changing room, her voice full of questions, "I've never known you to lose anything. Actually, I've never known you to brush your hair at this hour..."

Violet was about to reply when he arrived. She had known the moment he had entered the circus about an hour earlier. It would have been impossible for her to miss his scent when she had been waiting for it since morning.

Nerves made her stomach uncomfortably tingly. It felt wrong, to use Patrick to get close to Ismail, but she hadn't been able to come up with another way. 

"Good evening, my Lord."

"Wha-" Sarah began in confusion, then she stopped, likely having spotted the man walking into the room.  

"Good evening, Lady Violin."

His tone was clipped . What, did he not like her formality? And here Violet was putting herself out to be pleasant. She had concluded last night that the best way to earn a man's trust was submission; something she was no good at. So far, it didn't seem to be working. 

"I... my Lord?" Sarah was stumbling for words. Violet realised with a start that Sarah was not aware of Patrick's status. Being around nobles made most commoners nervous.

Violet moved to where she knew Sarah was standing. "Sarah, I do not believe you've been properly introduced. This is Lord Patrick Bruce. My Lord, my friend Sarah."

"The pleasure, once again, is mine, Miss Sarah." Patrick's voice was designed to charm and it had the desired effect. Violet felt Sarah relax beside her.

"Thank you, my Lord." The girl replied shyly.

Silence settled over the three of them. Violet wondered who or what Patrick was looking at. 

"Umm...Violet. I need to go, I have things to do... I will see you tomorrow?"

"Yes," Violet reassured her friend. As she listened to Sarah excuse herself and leave the room, she realised her charade was about to begin in earnest. 

"You plan to come here tomorrow?" Violet listened to the calm way Patrick posed the question. How did he want her reply?  

"I assumed I would be here for the show?" She made it a question, leaving the decision to him. In truth, she no longer had a reason to stay with the circus. Patrick had said he would provide for her and Violet was planning to execute her mission before he had time to tire of her.

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