"Yeah, I'm just glad I have you both, and Miles and Fred."

"Where is Miles by the way?" Julius asked.

"I heard he'd gone inside to speak to Inga, apparently they want to sort everything out."

"I'm glad, I feel like that's been hanging over him for some time now."

"Do you think there could be something between him and Inga?" I tried to ask casually? "Like how they were in the other house?"

"I don't think it would be romantic again but you never know. They had a good friendship before that so I think that was his main focus."

"Anything else is kind of a positive." Ruby said. "Personally I don't think they're good together, their traits almost clash with one another rather than complement each other."



The next morning I was sat all alone on the little window seat of our house overlooking all the gardens as the clock ticked to noon. I could see Inga and James off in the corner on their lesson, Emily and Miles sat by the pool in what looked like a deep conversation and I could just make out Ruby and Rez sat in the other house.

"Room for a little on." I looked up and found Ollie over the top of me. "Squidge up."

"Alright, alright." He slid in behind me, wrapped his arm around my waist and we sat there in complete silence for a few minutes, I think he could sense that I needed thinking time.

"Have you ever done something knowing no-one will agree with your decision?" I almost whispered.

"Plenty of times, I didn't always pick the best friends or guys to be around."

"Did it ever work out?"

"A few times, sometimes people can be completely different when you actually get to know them, than when you're just looking in on them."

"I mean you found Gareth in the end."

"Exactly, not many people find their prince charming on the first occasion, sometimes you do need to kiss a few frogs."

"I find myself a lot nowadays just thinking back on them last few weeks with Tristan, how unhappy we were. I find myself questioning my stance in the relationship, did I not show him enough affection, was I too independent? I'm getting to this point now where I'm thinking about moving on but I don't want to repeat the same mistakes I made in the past."

"These are questions that only Tristan can answer, but at the same time it's different with everyone. You can't completely change yourself to suit Tristan and what he wants, when you've said yourself you wouldn't want to go back there. Unless that's changed."

"No" I immediately countered. "That saga of my life is over, I don't know just with everything changing with you and Gareth I feel like I need to grow up but then maybe my choice in men doesn't reflect that."


"Exactly, probably the least settled down guy I could find and I know I won't be able to change that."

"I'm not going to sit here and tell you to stay away from him, that's your decision to make and whether it's the right one or not no-one will know. All I'll say is if you don't go for Miles and you go for the settled down guy, will you be constantly looking over your shoulder at what you could have had."

"Whilst I've been here I have been messaging a few guys, casually. But I don't know, I'm messaging them whilst almost waiting for Miles to pop up."

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