Chapter 22 - Saxon Porcelain

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(Sam's POV)

We get to Hewks Inn. It's opposite our motel, which is open at all times, so we don't bother checking in yet. In Hewks Inn, loud music blares from the speakers, as many people dance, drink and talk. Personally, I think the name is very misleading. Hewks Inn is a nightclub. Sex, drugs and alcohol are a normality. There are even room upstairs for 'special nights'. Y'all can guess what these are.

Austin pulls me onto the dancefloor full of people and motions for me to dance around. I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Let lose, brotha!" He laughs. I chuckle and do just that as the music gets louder.

A while later, Austin takes his phone out, taking a few pictures. I stick my tongue out at him as he points the camera lense on me. He flips me off and I push into him. The phone must've started ringing, because he holds it towards his ear and says something I can't quite hear over the music. He passes me the phone and I have a quick conversation with Quinn, before hanging up.

"She'll be okay." I mutter to myself as Austin pulls me towards the bar. After a few minutes, he convinces me to drink a beer, the bitterness forcing me to make a face. Austin laughs and has a shot. Wait, no, scratch that. He has multiple shots.

As we sit on the stools and sip our drinks, conversing in between each sip, a blonde girl with bright blue eyes walks up to us. "Hey, you two." She bites her lip seductively and puts her hands, which end in long, pink fake nails, on our shoulders. I nearly choke on my drink. The audacity. Austin, as usual, doesn't seem to care. "There are rooms upstairs. Wanna come and have a special night?" She asks.

Austin looks at me, as if asking for permission. I shrug. "Go. Have fun. Be quick, I don't want to stay alone for long." I tell him. He gives me a look. "Seriously, go." I push him slightly. He smiles and takes the girl's hand, going upstairs with her. I roll my eyes and get back to my drink, which I am getting used to.

Not five mintes later, Austin runs towards me, buttoning his shirt. "That... was quick." I laugh.

"Didn't even take my jeans off." He says, rushing to get a few money notes from his pocket and slapping them on the counter.

"What is it? She's a he or something?" I joke.

He shakes his head frantically. "Quinn's been awake for the past hour, crying on and off. Your parents ran out of ideas to calm her down." He says, putting his jacket on. I stand up, abandoning my drink and we run out of the club, getting into the car and driving in the direction of my parents' house.

"I knew this was a bad idea. She's to little. And an hour? And they only call now?" I say angrily.

"It's on and off. She calms down when they decide to call, and then start again." Austin explains. I groan. I then look into the rearview mirror.

"Uhhh... Tin?" I stifle a laugh.


"That girl is chasing after us." I burst out with laughter. It's Austin's turn to groan. "Did you leave without a word?" I ask.

Austin shakes his head. "I took my shirt off, and the phone rang. Seeing as it was your dad, I picked it up. He said that Quinn won't stop calling out for you and crying, so I hung up and start putting my shirt back on. I said 'sorry but my brother needs to get back to his daughter, she's upset.'"  Aus and I called each other brothers for the better part of our friendship. "So then she goes 'but what about our night?'" He stops.

"And?" I ask. Austin shakes his head. "What did you say after that? I know you said something."

"I said, 'sorry but my brother and his daughter than my dick, goodbye' and left." He shrugs.

I burst out laughing again. Austin punches my shoulder jokingly. "That's the best line I've heard you say. Maybe we should cut that dick off to prove the point. Or get it tattooed." I laugh. "You're entirely bonkers."

"All the best people are." He scoffs.

"Get that quote tattooed." I say.

"Good idea."

I roll my eyes and stay quiet until we get to my parents' house. 

When we do, I park the car and burst out of it. I run outside and into my old room, where the light is on and the sound of crying is coming from. Quinn is sitting on the bed, crying, her face red and, from what I can see, eyes puffy. My parents are desperately trying to calm her down. 

I push past them and pick her up, hugging her close. "Hey, daddy's here, little princess." I whiser in her ear. She pushes away and looks into my eyes. Once she assesses the situation, she hides her face in the crook of my neck and continues crying. I stand up and start humming a lullaby. She continues to cry. My parents and Austin, who has ran after me, leave the room and close the door.

"Since she can remember she's always stood
On the dresser next to the mirror
In white ballet shoes, leaned out
With one leg raised in the air.
She got bored among the trinkets,
Catching dust in her gold dress,
And from the floor, the Persian carpet
Sometimes winked at her with his Persian eye.

A doll made of Saxon Porcelain
She had a face as pale as parchment
She had no dad or mom,
And she didn't miss them, not at all.

Until one day..."

After a few more verses, Quinn calms down.

"You missed daddy?" I whisper. She nods. "It's okay, love. Daddy's here, and he'll never leave you like that again." I mutter in her ear. She hugs me tight. Then she starts crying again. "Woah woah! What's happening now?" I ask.

"Now you won't give me a hundred kisses and cuddles!" She cries.

"I will. Sweet, I will. I'll give you more kisses and cuddles than you can count." I promise.


I nod. "Really."

She smiles at me and lies her head on my chest as I sit down on the bed. "Sleep now, my Princess. Daddy's here. Forever and ever." I tell her.

"What if the last petal falls?" She asks, referring to her flower.

I chuckle slightly. "I told you already. When you're older, you'll know what happens then." I hug her tight.

"But I want to know now."

"Patience, little girl. The time will come." I promise.

"I'm sorry, daddy." She sighs.

I look down confused. "What for?"

"You told me to be good. I wanted to. But I got scared. I thought Momma was taking me away from you. I'm sorry I'm not brave like you." She mutters.

"You are. But bravery takes time, Quinnie. Fears are hard to defeat, and thats okay." I kiss her forehead. She smiles at me. "Goodnight Princess." I whisper in her ear. 

End of chapter! Two questions:

First, Quinn's teenage years are closer than further. Do you guys want a separate book for that or continue this one?

Second, would anyone actually be interested in a Harry Potter fanfic that has been on my mind for the past few days?

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