Chapter 21: I Want Daddy

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(Quinn's POV)

Daddy left me with his momma and daddy. He told me to be good. Daddy's momma takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. Her kitchen is bigger than daddy's. "Do you like soup, Quinn?" She asks. 

I nod. "Where did daddy go?" I ask her. 

She starts pouring the soup into a bowl. "He went with Uncle Austin on an adventure." She answers.

"Why didn't he take me?" I ask.

"Because it's not an adventure for little children. Besides, you gotta spend some time with your ol' grandparents." Daddy's daddy sits next to me. 

"What's that?" I ask.

"Grandparents? Your daddy's or mommy's parents." Daddy's momma sets my bowl in front of me.

"You're... grandparents?" I ask. I don't understand.

"Mhm. Grandad and grandma. Or you can call us Rhett and Coral. Whatever works for you." Daddy's daddy says.

"Grandad." I nod. He smiles at me. Grandma sets his bowl in front of him.

"Eat your soup, little Quinn." I do as he says as he starts eating. Grandma sits opposite me and eats too.

I like grandma and grandad. 

I finish my soup and say thank you. "When is daddy coming back?" I ask.

"In a few days." Grandma says. I pout. I don't like daddy being away for this long. Grandad and grandma laugh.

"Don't worry little monkey, he'll be back before you know it." Grandad tells me. I pout still. "Here, how about we play hide and seek in the garden?" Grandad says after finishing his soup. I stop pouting and nod. 

Grandad takes me to the garden and covers his eyes. He starts counting and I look around for a hiding spot. I see a big... cup? It's wooden. There's a stool next to it. I climb on the stool and into the cup. 

There is something at the bottom of it, but I crouch down, so that grandad doesn't see me. I'm really good at hide and seek. Daddy says I always find the best spots.

Grandad stops counting and starts looking for me. He can't find me. He looks for me for a long time. Finally he says he is giving up. I stand up in the cup.

"Hullo!" I giggle. 

Grandad laughs and gets me out of the cup. "How did you get into that barrel anyway?" He asks. I point to the stool. "Ah." He laughs. He sets me on the ground. "You're quite good at this." He says.

"Daddy says that too. I'm the best at hiding. I hide even when I don't play hide and seek." I tell him.

"Why do you hide?" Grandad is curious.

"Daddy is big, and so is Uncle Austin." I say. I think it's obvious, but not for grandad. He tells me to explain. "Daddy is strong. I'm scared of daddy. I'm scared of everyone. Even Kaden. But Kaden isn't that strong." I say.

"Are you scared of grandma and I?" Grandad asks. I nod casually. Grandad doesn't say anything for a minute. "Alright, uhm... it's your turn." He says. I cover my eyes and start counting as grandad hides.

After a few goes, grandad says its time to get ready for bed. "How does Sam usually clean you? Bath or shower?"

"Daddy. And both. Baths are long. I like baths. I have toys for baths. And bubbles." I answer.

"Grandma will give you a bath then." Grandad says and takes me inside and I go upstairs with grandma.

Grandma makes a bath and takes my clothes off. "Well, hop in." She says once she's done. I put my arms up. I can't get in all by myself. Grandma picks me up and sets me in the bath. I sit and play with the bubbles.

"Daddy always plays with me." I tell her.

"Okay, lets play." She says.

I shake my head. "I want daddy to play with me."

"Daddy's not here." Grandma says.

"I don't want to play then." I pout.

"I can't force you. Wash up then, and let's get to bed." She says. I wash myself and get out. Grandma dries me and puts my pjs on. She brushes my teeth too and takes me to a room. "It's your daddy's old room." She tells me as she lays me down.

"I wanna go home." I frown. Grandma sighs. "Home." I cry.

"How about you call daddy and tell him goodnight? Daddy is far away, he can't get you now." Grandma says calmly. I nod. Grandma takes her phone out and calls uncle Austin. Uncle Austin gives daddy the phone.

"Hello?!" Daddy says. There is loud music next to daddy. I can hear it.

"Daddy." I say.

"What is it, Sweet?" Daddy shouts.

"I wanna go home. I want a cuddle and a kissy." I tell him.

"Come again? Hold on, its very loud here!" Daddy yells and there is some noise. Then a door closes. There is less music. "Okay, tell me again, Princess."

"I want a cuddle and kissy. And I want home." I tell him again. 

Daddy sighs. "Love, I'm a two hour drive away. Go to sleep, I'll see you soon, okay? After tomorrow." He says.

"But I want today."

"Quinn, I'll give you a hundred kisses and cuddles, but you have to go to sleep now." He promises. "Okay? I love you." 

"I wuv you too." I say quietly.

"Alright? Go sleepy. Goodnight, Princess." Daddy says.

"Goodnight." I whisper. Then daddy hangs up. 

I do as daddy says, because I want daddy to be happy with me. I lie down and close my eyes. I fall asleep after time.

I wake up. It's still dark. I had a bad dream. Momma and HE was back. They were taking me away from daddy.

"Daddy?!" I look around for him. Daddy isn't here. Daddy isn't even in the house. He's far away. "Daddy!" I scream. I start crying.

Grandma and grandad come into the room. They want to calm me down. I want daddy.

Trust Me, Princess (NOT MAFIA RELATED) (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ