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Stuck between a hard place and a rock.


Minho blinks his eyes open to look around the room. It wasn't his for sure as sun shine in and his room was almost pitch black.

"Jisung, what time is it?" Minho mumbles as he rubs his eyes and sat up.

That's when he realized where he was and what had happened.

He had fallen asleep next to Hyunjin. The reporter laying by his side with little space between them.

Minho's eyes began to water as he thought about what he had done to end up here. Only letting the tears fall as he realized Jisung hasn't return.

"Minho?" Hyunjin mumbles as he finally wakes up. The older male crying by his side with a blanket around his shoulders.

"Hey, hey. Calm down." Hyunjin shut up to rub his back.

"Jisung isn't back." Minho hiccups with each word.

"It's okay. You'll be fine. Everything with be fine." Hyunjin whispered as he fixes his messy bed hair.

The door open and Felix stepped inside with bags in hand.

"Sorry but this my room as well and I brought food as an apology." Felix says but stops when he seen the situation.

"Uh- why is he crying?" Felix asked.

"None of your business, freckles." Minho growls making Hyunjin slap his shoulder.

"Be nice or I kick you out." Hyunjin says making Minho sniffle and snuggle into his side. He felt a sorta safety that he was able to cry with Hyunjin because he knew why he was crying.

He couldn't tell anyone else this without them thinking he was crazy.


"Now this might hurt but you won't feel it till you're in your new human form." Minho's father says to the black sludge that made it's way into a machine. The scientist not expecting an answer as he stare at the creature.

"Good luck." The scientist shuts the door and gives a thumbs up through the glass door.

Jisung was thinking to himself about all the possibilities he could do with his own body. He could have relationships, buy his own things, eat his own food, not have to use someone else to seem normal.

If Jisung wanted to change his mind, it was too late as the scientist pulled a lever and the machine started up.

It made lots of loud noises as the machine glow lightly from the inside.

After a few seconds, you heard a scream from inside before the machine was shutting off.

The door swung open and the scientist gasped as he took off his googles.

"Oh my god."



The reporter was startled awake by the call of his name from a teacher. Looking around the room to see students staring at him.

"If you're going to sleep, leave my class." The teacher crosses his arms.

"Sorry. Won't happen again." Hyunjin shakes his head.

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