"Well, I heard it from Sheriff Forbes, who heard it from a very distraught Carol Lockwood, thus, ending our werewolf chapter, bringing us to..." Damon trails off.

Stefan interrupts. "...killing Elijah."

Damon smirks. "Exactly.""

And how does Niki feel about all of this?"

Damon freezes. "I'm not sure. I, uh, haven't told her anything."

Stefan knew that he wouldn't say anything to her. "Why is that?"

"Because Stefan this is none of her business and I'm definitely not planning on telling her any of this."

"Trouble in paradise." Stefan smirks across the phone.

"I confronted her last night about the whole idea of her and Elena having to die and she flat out admitted she knew that already." Damon shrugs. "We got into an argument and she ran off home, end of story." He partially lied. Damon knew Niki stayed in his room but then went to go sleep downstairs at around 4 o'clock in the morning.

"You know, brother, the whole idea of you trying to get her to like you again is going to become harder if you push at her." Stefan chuckles.

"Oh brother, if only you knew." Damon sighs forgetting for a moment that Stefan had no idea about their relationship. "But anyways, I'm just hoping I can kill Elijah and get this over with."

"Well, it's not going to be easy. He's crafty."

"Well, I've got a crafty little dagger." Damon reminded.

"He's an Original. We don't know what all that encompasses."

"Oh, trust me, Stefan." The older Salvatore smirks. "I'm gonna dot all my t's. I don't want any surprises."

"Wow, Damon, tell me you're actually gonna be careful for once?" Stefan says in a warning tone.

"Yes, Stefan, I've become you. How tragic for both of us." Damon sarcastically smiles forgetting that Stefan can't see him. "Got to run. I've a murder to plan. Busy day."

Damon hangs up having had enough of listen to Stefan remind him of everything he doesn't want to care for. He passes through his bedroom door and tries to listen and see what Niki is doing. Nothing came from downstairs leaving him curious as to whether she's sleeping or gone.

- -

I had just finished writing today's entry in my diary and Damon walks into the living room holding two mugs. Without saying anything he hands me one then sits at the opposite end of the couch. I purse my lips. "Still mad?"

"Depends." He sighs pulling my legs on top of him. "Did you change your mind?"

I let out a breath not wanting to deal with this again. "Damon, I have no choice."

"Then yup, I'm still mad." He sends me a sarcastic smile.

I clench my eyes shut for a second holding in my anger before opening them back up once I feel more calm. "We have a difference of opinion, Damon. We're not always gonna agree on everything."

"Niki, you've agreed to sacrifice yourself to Klaus. To say that we have a difference of opinion is the understatement of the century."

I roll my eyes taking a sip from the mug. "You would know."

"Yes, Niki. In fact I would!" He raises his voice. "God, could you be anymore immature?"

I let out a scoff. "Says the one who thinks killing people is the answer to everything."

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