The mango is too sour!

I put the bowls aside and press my face on my hands pissed that I'm crying over ice cream at 2 am.

Ace is not even here to cuddle.

I hate when these moments happen, when I cry over stupid shit.

The front door creaks open. He's here!

I walk to the living room as fast as I can to see him walking to the elevator.

"Ace!" I call out for him to notice me.

"Why are you awake? Is eve- were you crying? Why?" He asks a look of concern covering his face.

"I'm craving raspberry ice cream with tomato paste but-" my voice shakes "but we don't have raspberry ice cream. I tried with vanilla but it's too sweet. I tried with mango-" i full on sob "but it's too sour. And I really want to try the combo with raspberry ice cream not anything else.".

I breathe in before continuing" but we don't have any.".

"Alright, don't cry. We can fix this. I will take you to the ice cream shop right now. We can get all the ice cream you want." He says getting closer to hug me.

I hug him back and say " I thought you were gonna be late.".

"Next time you crave something and I'm not around , you call me understand?".

"You said you had business." I sniffle.

"It doesn't matter if I have business, call me whenever you need anything." He kisses my forehead.

"Understand?" He adds.


"Good girl, now let's go get your ice cream. I can't wait to try the new combo." He says smiling down at me.

Whenever I crave anything, he eats it with me no matter how disgusting or unusual it is.

He says and I quote ''I don't want you to do it alone.'.

*end of the flash back*

Remembering how I cried that day makes me feel stupid but I know it's nothing compared to what's coming.

My nausea got worse but the candy that ace got me helps a lot, he told the doctor to give me some pills but I prefer the candy because it tastes good.

Today is quite busy, we have to go for my 3 months check up, and ace's parents are coming to visit since they were out of New York when he got shot.

I don't know how to feel about meeting his mother again considering how she treated me the last time we met but I didn't say anything.

Im trying not to get nervous by focusing on the check up.

I have a slight bump, by slight I mean tiny bump.

I don't know why but I can't wait for it to grow.

I am currently getting ready for the appointment and as usual I chose a white crop top so I don't have to roll anything and a pair of jeans that will no longer fit me in a few weeks.

I brush my hair choosing to let it down because I'm not in the mood to do anything.

ace has been waiting for me for 20 minutes now, I spent the first 15 minutes looking at my belly and thinking about the baby and the rest changing.

it doesn't take me that long to get ready anymore because looking at my belly takes 90% of my time now.

Sophie is 4 months pregnant, 16 weeks and her belly is so adorable.

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