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Once we got there we got changed, Charlie sat next to me and kissed my cheek. I looked up from putting on my knee pads and I cupped Charlie's face and leaned into kiss him. Before I could we heard Adam shout while walking in. "Coach." We all stand up to look at him. "Banks?!" Everyone chattered. "I woke up...and the pain was gone." Adam says finally gets to rotate his wrist the whole way around. We all cheer and get excited until our Coach interrupts. "Adam, I'm sorry. We already have a full roster." As I remembered that what Coach was saying was true, I started taking off my jersey. "He can have my spot." Charlie says while keeping my jersey on. "Charlie, what are you doing? They need you more than me." I whisper to him. "No, they need you. You're one of the best hockey players I've ever seen." He whispers back and kisses me. "Good luck." He says as he walks over to Adam and Coach Bombay. "It's what I can do for the team. Let me do it." He speaks to coach Bombay. I was proud of him. He did all this so Adam could play. And me too. Adam grabs onto Charlie's shoulder and I could tell Adam was proud of him too. "Charlie, I need you on the bench, coaching right there with me." Coach says giving Charlie a clipboard. We all cheer for Charlie. I started to tear up. Charlie cared for the game. And he knew what he had to do. We all walked out in front of the crowd after finishing getting ready. "Take a deep breath. Here we go." Coach says while we start skating out onto the ice. As we are skating around on the Ice I see Charlie on the bench smiling and clapping. All of us skate over to the bench to do our chant. "Heads high! Stand tall! Fly Straight! USA!" Coach chants. "All the way!" We all chant after him. We all cheer some more before taking our places on the ice.

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