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Charlie and I rushed in. "Coach. Coach, I know with Banks out, we got a roster slot open." Charlie says while we walk up to Coach. "Yeah?" Coach responds. "You know how I always told you I'd make a better coach than a player? Me and Vi did some scouting for the team. Come on in." Charlie says while Russ walks in. "Russ Tyler. Coach Bombay." I say introducing them. "Hiya, Coach." Russ says after me. Coach chuckles, "Russ Tyler, huh. Well, Russ, What can you do for the team?" Me and Charlie look at Russ at the same time. "You never heard of my Knuckle Puck?" Russ says confidently. "Knuckle Puck? No." Coach responds.Me and Charlie both look at Russ again with a smirk plastered on our faces.
Time Skip.
We were at our next game. We were up against Russia. We were in the last period. 2-1 us in the lead. With Banks behind the Bench it was up to me, Charlie, and Russ. I scored once and Charlie scored the other time. About half way into the last period, Russ calls out for the puck. I was the one with the puck so I passed it to him. I got knocked down shortly after. I got up quickly and watched Russ. He screams "It's Knuckle Puck time." I knew he was gonna make it. I was confident in Russ. He shoots, He scores! That was the final score of the game. We won, 3-1. After the game we got into the locker room and started changing when someone walked in. It was Wayne Gretzky. I just smiled and pushed in front of everyone just so I could shake his hand. First Goldberg shakes his hand then me. After we all shake his hand we get ready for a photo. I stand next to Charlie. He puts his arm around me and we all say 'Hockey' and we get our picture taken. That picture was put in the newspaper. Our next game was our final one. It was against Iceland. From our practices after that game I was sure we would beat them.

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