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As I started walking back to my dorm, Charlie ran up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Hey Charlie, I never asked. What do you want me to call you since we're dating?" I asked to not show I was blushing. "Just call me 'my love' it's cute." Charlie said as his cheeks turned pink. "Ok, my love." I smile. "Gosh my legs hurt after all the skating today." I say while walking. "Want me to pick you up?" Charlie asked. "No, it's okay." Charlie stops us and signals me to get on his back.  "C'mon my love, it's fine." I smile at Charlie. "Fine." He says and then he picks me up by my waist and throws me over my shoulder. "Charlie! What are you doing?!" I laughed while saying. He carried me all the way back to our dorm and he set me down lightly in front of our dorm. "Thanks, my love." I smile and open the door. Charlie follows me in. "Hey Vi, can I kiss you?" Charlie asks, sounding nervous. "Go ahead, Charlie." My cheeks slightly turned pink. He walks towards me and lifts up my chin, and softly kisses me. Charlie was only a little bit taller than me. I was 5'0 and he was 5'4. Not that big of a difference. Charlie pulled out of the kiss after a couple seconds. Even though this was only our second time kissing I wish the kiss lasted longer. That night I went to sleep happy. Buried in Charlie's arms. I was gonna need the comfort. The next day was the finals against Iceland. Once me and Charlie woke up, we both took showers and got dressed. The game was at 4 pm so we had time to hang out. I went to hang out with Julie, while Charlie went to hang out with Banks. Once I knocked on Julie's sore she dragged me in. "Tell me everything about you and Charlie now!" Julie stated. "Okay, okay! Well, we've kissed twice, we cuddle every night when we go to bed, he always comforts me when I'm nervous. Jules, I've never felt this way about anyone." I couldn't help but just picture Charlie smiling in my head. "Wow, V you're in love." Julie responds practically whispering. "W-what? Where'd you get that from?" I say while playing with my fingers. "Just the way you talk about him. The way you guys are with each other. The way he cares for you. We have to move to Minnesota." Julie said without stuttering. I knew why she said we had to move to Minnesota. That's where Charlie lived. "I agree, Jules." I smile and hug her. "I'm gonna go get Charlie. I'll see you at the game later, okay?" I say to Julie as I walk out of her dorm. "See ya V!" Julie reponds closing her door behind me. I walk over to Adam's dorm and I knock and Charlie opens the door. "Hey, my love. If you're not too busy, would you want to hang out in our dorm?" I smile while looking at him. "Sure, Vi. Let me say bye to Adam first." Charlie says with a smile. "Bye Adam!" We both say at the same time. "Bye, you love birds!" Adam says as we're walking out. I just shake my head as Charlie puts his arm around my shoulder. About halfway to our dorm Charlie starts talking "Vi I want you to know, I really really like you, and I know we've been dating for 2 weeks but I want you to meet my mom..." Charlie seemed nervous while saying what he had to say. I stopped us and I held his hands in my hands. "Charlie, I'd love to." I smile and kiss him on the cheek. He looks down and back up to my lips. Shortly after he smashes his lips into mine holding onto my waist. I smiled into the kiss. Our kiss lasted a bit before we both pulled away. I've never been happier. Once we got back to our dorm. We hung out for a little and then it was time to head to the locker room.

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