Chapter 12

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                The feel of her skin still burned against him even when his lungs filtered the new fresh air through them. She was too kind and to unaware for him to be so forceful. As fast as Kota’s legs took him, the radius around him still didn’t seem to get any smaller. With all that has happened today the sun was starting to sink low in the horizon. It made his adrenaline race at the thought of coming across a vampire. He wished he could.

                Kota doubted there was anything that could satisfy his raging emotions like sinking his teeth deep in those fallen men’s body as his claws separating their skin from their bones. Annalee said it herself that she didn’t care if he started a war. His own salvation encouraged his wrath towards the vampires. The very thought of one of them touching her again like they did at the spring made his inner wolf growl. She was his and every part of his instinct pushed him to action.

                Maybe it was for that same reason that he tempted his fate by extending his range into the neutral area. The smell in itself was like old cologne on fresh cut grass. It tingled; his senses and hit against his inner animal sending it into more of a frenzy. Why his thoughts were so scattered all of a sudden was beyond him. One moment he was thinking of his beautiful Annalee, next he just wanted to sink his teeth into something, into anything.

                Before he knew what was going on he was face to face with the exact person he wanted to see: Philliep. Kota bared his teeth and let a growl rip through his throat, not even trying to hide his hatred for the being before him. Philliep smiled with crossed arms as he took a step towards him. Kota’s claws raked against the soft dirt beneath him as he started pacing in front of his target. Everything about the vampire in front of him set him on edge.

                “Look who it is. I’m surprised to see you here without your precious little master.” The words tore through his disgruntled smirk. “Where is your thoroughbred whore anyways?” He was baiting him. Philliep wanted him to attack, and Kota didn’t have the mindset to refuse him.

                No one spoke of Annalee like that, not his Annalee. Before he could strike, more vampires started making their appearance out of the woods. The cowards didn’t believe in a fair fight it seemed. They thought they had safety in numbers. Kota’s eyes took them all in, they were pitifully prideful people. He couldn’t think straight. They all mocked her openly and it made his inner wolf’s rage go out of control. The only color Kota could see was red.

                “I can smell her on you. Her sweet skin is soft, isn’t it?” Philliep sucked in a breath as if recalling his own memories. “You know the unfair thing about fairies is that they always smell so sweet it just makes me want to take a bite.” He raked his tongue between his teeth as Kota grinded his against each other.

                The others snickered and before anyone could think to react, Kota slashed his claws on the vampire who was closest to him. His blood spewed the surrounding ground and drenched the side of Kota’s fur coat. The vampire fell, his head feet from his body. Everyone went silent, as if waiting for an order to strike from their leader. The tension was as thick as the blood scattered around them in the air. All Kota did was lock eyes with the one person who brought such anger in his heart. If he had his way, he would be slashing every throat before him.

                Philliep’s smile was gone, replaced by a firm smile and what should have been a threatening glare. Kota wasn’t scared, if anything, he wanted Philliep to come after him. He wanted his head separated from his body the most of all. These other small fry vampires didn’t mean a thing to him. They were all simply following Philliep because they had this false sense of security that Philliep couldn’t be defeated. Kota smirked, he would change that.

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