Chapter 10

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                Days molded into weeks and Annalee has been spending a large amount of time with her so called friend, Jhock and the council. Neither of which Kota found himself liking at all. When she was behind closed doors, she was away from him. All he could do was pace back and forth and wait for her to finish. Annalee had told him that he could go and enjoy himself and do whatever it was that he pleased, but it just made him all the more anxious.

                He wanted more free time with her. Kota liked the days where they went outside so that he could relax as she soaked up the sun and he ran around in his full form. People were still getting used to him, still whispering remarks and snicker sardonic comments. None of it mattered, because when he returned, there was a pair of sparkling eyes and a wide smile waiting for him. His Annalee: She was the water that cleansed his tattered soul and the energy in the air that brought to life his dying heart. Annalee was his breath in his very lungs, and it didn’t matter how much time had passed.

                Pacing up and down the hallway, Kota felt like a predator waiting patiently for his prey. It was unnerving that once someone closed the door behind them, he couldn’t hear a thing behind it. No matter how good his ears were, he couldn’t hear a single audible sound. For all he knew Annalee was in trouble. Just the thought sent his blood racing. Kota had to continuously take breaks from his thoughts to simply calm them. Jhock was in there. He should be able to trust him, or at least Annalee’s judgment. If she trusted him so much, then that had to count for something. Even though he knew that, his pulse wouldn’t slow. He was away from those eyes, and that was enough.


                The sound of a constant tapping of nails on the wooden table was the only thing that kept the room from complete silence. Annalee had been working with Jhock for a while to find out more information on the slave trading and how Kota ended up there. He was good at that kind of thing, he liked things that were like real life puzzle, and to say she was puzzled was putting it simply. Now she was trying to get the council’s opinion on the matter.

                Why she even thought about being surprised by the council’s reaction was foolish on her part. They wanted the fae to be as closed off as possible. To them it was as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. If it was up to the council, they would live in a different world, separate from the rest of the living creatures. It wasn’t hard to tell that they were a group of elitists. They just didn’t understand that there was only one world and they needed to find a way to live comfortably with everyone. When people needed help and they could supply support, why wouldn’t they help them?

                Having to practically beg for an inch with them was borderline humiliating. “There could be so many more creatures in the trade. If so they need our help and our protection!” She all but yelled, slamming her hands on the desk.

                “Why would we put our people at risk for creatures that may or may not need our help? What do you know? They might have deserved their punishment.” One of the council members scoffed.

                “That’s right; I’m not risking the lives and safety of our home just because you want to make your pet feel more at home.” Another one jumped in.

                “You don’t get it do you? This isn’t about just us, it’s bigger than that. We are responsible for the safety of all living things, not just our people. I’m not saying we go to war with the humans, I’m just asking for a more thorough investigation in this.” Annalee’s nails dragged across the table, digging into the wood. “The humans don’t have any right over magick creatures. The treaty only covers that we allow them to govern their own people. Who’s going to take us seriously if we simply see past all of this like it doesn’t exist?” She tried to defend her point.

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