Chapter 7

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Annalee didn’t even notice she had her eyes closed until Kota got in front of her and shook her. Her eyes fluttered open and she saw his eyes straight in front of hers. He was so close their noses were almost touching. His eyes were so desperate for something she couldn’t quite understand, but was grateful for all the same. She smiled at him, changing her mood as if it were as simple as changing subjects of a conversation. Annalee turned and walked to her balcony, motioning him to follow. She didn’t really need to do that, he was already following her, which made her smile even more.

                “This is your home now.” She indicated all of the land that surrounded them. “All this is fae land. You are welcome to explore it all. I’m sure you were able to sense the border between fae and vampires.” Annalee stopped after that for a moment, as if waiting to get the bitter taste of the word out of her mouth. “As long as you don’t harm my people, you are free to do as you wish here.” She turned to look at him, but for once, he wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at the scenery, everything there was to see, he wanted to experience with his own eyes.

                When his eyes looked at her next it was like a child asking permission. “Go ahead. I’m going to bed anyways, so you can have your fun. I know you’re tired of being cooped up for so long.” She laughed. Annalee watched him jump off the balcony and run off into the darkness. As soon as he was far enough away, she broke down, sliding her body down the wall, curling into a ball.

                Jhock was right; her father wouldn’t have wanted her in the position to make wild decisions. She never said that it was wise to get a werewolf, but for some reason she did. She knew it wasn’t a good idea to stay that long at the springs, but for some reason she did. One day the vampires would challenge her fully, not with just a few fledglings, but with their whole clan and she didn’t know how ready she would be in that case. Would a tiny little spell be enough to keep Kota by her side? Was she over estimating his strength? Annalee had no idea where all this doubt was coming from, she was usually so sure about everything, and this uncertainty was out of character for her.

                She sighed and sat up, it was time for bed. What will be, will be, she figured. All she could do now was continue trying her best to keep her people safe and happy. She would fend off what she could for as long as she could for the need of her people. With one last sigh Annalee curled up in her bed, getting comfortable, letting her eyes drift closed and her mind wander to sleep.

Footprints were barely made into a sound with how quickly Kota was running. The air filled his nostrils and it felt crisp and clean. He couldn’t remember ever breathing in such fresh air. She was right though, he could tell that there was an obvious border between the lands. The fae’s land, though there was no moonlight or sunlight at the moment, still had a glow about it, like it was being lit by something, but was still dark from the night. The Vampire’s side seemed like a black hole, absorbing and deleting everything pure and creating the absence of energy, a dark cloud surrounding it. In between was a grey area, he didn’t quite notice it before, but the springs that they were at before were in it. It was like a hue of heat you see on the ground on a hot day, separating the spaces, but it felt like they were fighting each other on the boundaries.

                Kota wasn’t very sure what he was doing, not letting thought cloud his brain. Being able to run without conscience was a high in his mind. He let the sound of the nature surround him and he listened to it for he didn’t know how long. Kota’s eyes drifted closed and the wind blew against him. She had said it with those lips that were molded by sunlight that he was free to do as he pleased. He smiled a toothy grin, as long as he didn’t kill her people. She never said anything about vampires and he thought that was intentional. Annalee really didn’t like them.

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