I really wish I hated you

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Jacqueline offered Grace a ride back home, so Dwayne and Ricky had a kind of quiet ride home.

"So..did you and Grace had fun? Y'know, before we came in?" Dwayne asked noticing a small sad look on Ricky's face.

"Yeah....we did." Ricky said quietly while looking out the car window.

Dwayne then pulled up to a parking lot of a small convenient store and turned off his car. "Come to the passenger seat." Dwayne turned around and pointed to the seat next to him. Confused, Ricky got out of the car and went back inside to the passenger seat. "Tell me what's wrong?"

Ricky hesitated but then finally spoke. "I-I kinda regret having the double date idea."


"'Cause ever since they first met each other it feels like Grace just pushes me away and only focuses on Jacqueline."

"Well I'm pretty sure they're just being good friends."

"But have you noticed that whenever they're near each other we're just nonexistent? That's what just happened at the arcade earlier."

"....I can hear it in your voice that you feel pretty upset about this." Dwayne side noted. "But yeah, it does kinda feel like that. But then again, they're just being good friends." Ricky made a big but silent sigh. "Look I know it seems like she likes Jackie more than you, but I know that's not the case. She still loves you very much. And she also just wants to get to know her new friend. Can you allow her to do that?"

"Yeah I guess." Ricky shrugged, turned back in his seat and put on his seatbelt.

Dwayne gave a small chuckle and began to start his car again. He heard his phone notification go off and saw a text from Jacqueline. "Can you tell me what she saying?" He pointed to his phone sitting in one of the cup holders.

Ricky picked up his phone and read her text: "hey I just remembered that I left my red PINK jacket at your place. I'm going to go pick it up."

"I was wondering when she was going to get it back. Tell her 'okay I'll see you when you get there'."


The boys pulled up to their driveway and saw Jacqueline get out of her car in front of the house.

"Hi again!" Jacqueline gave Dwayne a big hug. She looked over and saw Ricky quickly go inside the house. "What's wrong with your brother?"

"He's just being moody, as always." Dwayne answered.

"Don't act like your not the moodiest of them all." Jacqueline laughed.


Ricky ran up to his room and collapsed in his bed. He felt like crying but just held it all in. He then heard his phone ringing and saw Grace calling him.

"Hey, I was just calling to check up on you. You seemed pretty upset when we left the arcade."

"No I'm fine- actually you know what? I was kind of upset."

"If it was because I kind of abandoned you I'm so sorry about that. I got caught up in the moment."

"Kind of? You literally abandoned me. I wanted to spend time with just you and me."

"But I didn't know they were coming and that your brother was bringing Jacqueline along. Again I'm really sorry. We can plan another day with just you and me to make up for it?"

Ricky got silent then sighed. "I...I just need some time alone right now."

"Okay...I understand." Grace said quietly. "I love you."

"......love you too." Ricky hung up and laid in his bed,  sulking under the covers.


Dwayne and Jacqueline laid in bed together listening to a CD playing in the CD player.

"I had such a long day. I'm so happy I get to chillax with you." Jacqueline cuddled on Dwayne.

Dwayne put a arm around her and kissed her forehead.

Jacqueline checked her phone and saw a message from Grace:

Grace: I think Ricky hates me :'(

Jacqueline: Why do you say that?

Grace: Because he planned the arcade day to spend time together alone and then you guys came along and...I guess I abandoned him to go play with you...

"Hey, did Ricky seem upset or mad after the arcade?" Jacqueline asked Dwayne.

"Yeah he was pretty upset. He said that he regretted the double date because ever since you and Grace met it felt like she was pushing him away to hang out with you instead." Dwayne explained.

"Oh." Jacqueline said quietly. "I didn't mean for all that to happen."

"I mean I told him that y'all were just being good friends."

Jacqueline looked at her phone for a few moments then got up. "I feel like I should go talk to him."

"Really?" Dwayne looked up.

"I mean...yeah. It seems like he pretty upset with me so I should talk to him before the tension worsens."

"I'll go with you." Dwayne got up.

Ricky heard a knock on his door but stayed under the covers.

Jacqueline and Dwayne slowly opened the door. "Hey, it's me Jacqueline. I wanna talk to you." All she heard was silence. They went further into the room and sat on his bed. "I wanna talk to you about your situation with Grace and it seems like I have something to do with it. Please talk to me so we don't have tension in the future."

Ricky slowly came from under his covers and looked at her. He sighed and looked down. "It feels like whenever you're around us, you take Grace away from me. Earlier at the arcade she abandoned me to hang out with you instead and it...it kind of broke me."

"I'll never take her away from you-"

"But you did." Ricky shot back.

Jacqueline got quiet for a bit then spoke again. "But I didn't do it intentionally. If you wanna know the truth, Grace actually told me that she was hanging out at the arcade with you and I just went along with Dwayne just to say hi. I really didn't want to play games until she asked. Again I'm really sorry that she abandoned you like that. I didn't mean for all that to happen and I originally just wanted to say a quick hello."

Ricky looked at her again. "I guess I forgive you."

Jacqueline checked her phone and saw a text from her dad. "My dad needs me home. I'll see you later." She got up and kisses Dwayne.

"Don't forget your PINK jacket." Dwayne reminded.

"I know I know." She rushed out.

Dwayne looked back at Ricky who was about to go back to sulking under the covers. "Do you think you wanna go and tell Grace how you feel?"

"I already did. I told her I want some time alone for a while."

"Did she at least apologize?"

Ricky nodded and laid down. "I'm just devastated that I was just trying to enjoy a day together then it gets ruined at the end."

"I understand bro. That's just the way life goes." Dwayne rubbed his brother's head. "But I'll go ahead and leave you alone. Hope you feel better."

Dwayne got up and closed the bedroom door.

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