There she go.....

15 0 0

"Hello?" Grace answered her phone.

"Well it was about time." Ricky said in annoyance. "I tried to call you like five times."

"I'm sorry. Me and Jacqueline were having the best conversation earlier."

"You and Jacqueline were talking?"

"Yeah, remember when me and her exchanged phone numbers yesterday?"

"Oh....yeah." Ricky looked down. "Anyway, I was just calling to see if you want to go to a nearby arcade sometime today."

"Yeah sure. I'm available all day so we can go whenever."

"Okay. How about sometime this afternoon?"

"Sounds good. See you there. Love you." Grace smooched.

"Love you too." Ricky hung up the phone then went inside Dwayne's room.

"Hey Dwayne, are you able to drop me off at the arcade by the Walmart this afternoon?"

Dwayne quickly put on his work shirt as he saw Ricky enter his room. "Knock next time."

"Oh sorry."

"And also no. I work 11-4 today which is in like 15 minutes. I can pick you up if you want me to."

"Ugh, that's fine. I'll see if Mom can drop me off." Ricky slowly went downstairs and saw Mom in the kitchen cleaning dishes from breakfast. "Hey mom, are you able to drop me off at the arcade by the Walmart around like 2 o'clock?"

Mom turned around and saw Ricky. "Are you going there by yourself?"

"No I'm meeting Grace there."

"Yeah, sure. What time are you guys gonna be done?"

"Dwayne will pick me up."

"Okay. Hope you have fun."


At the arcade

Ricky and Grace picked up their cups of tokens from the front counter.

"What should we play first?" Ricky asked.

"Umm....." Grace thought then she heard a ding from her phone. She pulled it out and saw that it was a text from Jacqueline.

Ricky stood by as he watches his girlfriend giggle on her phone. " wanna race on the motorcycles first?" Grace ignores him as she is still texting. "Grace!" Ricky yelled.

"Huh?" Grace quickly looked up.

Ricky sighed, kind of regretting yelling at her. "I said do you wanna race on the motorcycles first?"

"Oh, yeah." Grace slowly put her phone back in her pocket. "I'm sorry sweetpea."

"No, it's alright. I'm sorry for yelling at you." Ricky apologized.

"You don't have to apologize, I wasn't paying attention. C'mon I wanna get on the motorcycles before a big group takes it first." Grace grabbed Ricky's hand and dragged him into the gaming room.


North Baltimore Animal Shelter

After Dwayne put Frisk the Huskey back in her cage, he walked back up to the front desk to straighten up before he clocks out.

Soon a curly headed girl walks in that catches his attention. "Oh, sup Jackie?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to pop in and say hello." Jacqueline said while walking towards the front desk.

"So you're not here to adopt a pet?"

"If I had the money, I would actually like to adopt a puppy and it can be like our first child."

"Hmm, you're giving birth to puppies now."

"No, that's impossible." Jacqueline laughed.

"I know I'm just teasing." Dwayne smiled.

Jacqueline pulled out her phone and began texting somebody. "So the other reason I'm here is because I was wondering if you wanna go to the arcade by the Walmart with me once you get done."

"My little brother is actually there right now with his girlfriend."

"I know. I'm texting her right now."

"You and her exchanged phone numbers?"

"Yeah, I wish I knew her a long time ago cause she is pretty awesome."

Dwayne slowly nodded his head then realized he never answered the question. "I was planning on picking him up anyway, so we can hang with them for a little if you want to." Jacqueline didn't say anything back but kept giggling on her phone. "Hello?" There was still silence. "Kay, guess we're not going then."

"Wait wait- I'm sorry I got distracted what did you say?" Jacqueline finally looked up.

"I said I was gonna pick Ricky up from the arcade anyway so we can go if you want." Dwayne repeated in annoyance.

"Yes, yes I would love that." Jacqueline smiled and Dwayne made a small smile back.


Back at the arcade

Jacqueline and Dwayne entered the arcade and entered the game room. They looked around and were having a hard time finding them.

"What if they're in the restrooms having sex?" Jacqueline joked.

"I don't think so." Dwayne chuckled. He then noticed them by the skee balls. "Oh there they are." He pointed and headed towards them.

The couple stopped and watched Ricky and Grace playing skee ball. As they finished with 23,000 points and 35 tickets, Dwayne commented, "Nice."

"Thanks." Ricky turned and saw Dwayne and Jacqueline. "Wait- I didn't call you yet."

"I know." Dwayne answered. "Jackie wanted to come here and hangout so I'm here I guess."

Jacqueline and Grace hugged each other and began to wander out together leaving the two boys by themselves.

"Wanna go play air hockey?" Dwayne said picking up the token cup from the skeeball machine.

"Sure." Ricky shrugged.

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