Double date, more like a single date

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Saturday Afternoon

Ricky is in his room nervously getting dressed for the date. Thoughts are running through his head, thinking about the different negative outcomes.

"Hey you almost ready?" Dwayne called from the other side.

"Um...almost." Ricky trembled.

"Why do you sound nervous?" Dwayne opened the door.

"Because....this is my first time going out to eat with my girlfriend, ever. And I don't know what it's like."

"There's nothing to be nervous about. It's just spending sometime together y'know. Forgetting everything else going on, just you and....Grace right?"

"I still don't know what to do. What do I say?"

"Just have regular conversations like you do at school or something. Talk about what we wanna do in the future, favorite song whatever. It's nothing fancy."

Ricky sighed and put on his shoes. "Okay, I think I feel a little bit better."

"Good, now hurry up. Jacq says she's on her way there now."


Dwayne, Jacqueline and Ricky were waiting by the entrance of the pizza place for Grace to arrive. A blue car pulled up and a young 15 year old girl came out. Grace noticed Ricky standing by and gave him a big hug.

"I missed you soooo much!" Grace began giving him multiple kisses on the cheek.

"Um...I missed you too." Ricky said in a low voice.

"Y'all are so cute." Jacqueline said. "Now let's go inside I'm hungry."


They all sat in a booth by a big window. Ricky kept staring at the window to distract himself from his intrusive thoughts.

"Rich, what's the matter? You are more quiet than usual." Grace asked.

"Umm...." Ricky trembled.

"He's nervous. It's his first time going on a date like this." Dwayne answered for him.

"It's okay. On my way here I was nervous too." Grace rubbed Ricky's back for comfort.

Ricky smiled and looked back at the window. Dwayne shook his head at his antisocial-ness.

"So, it's Grace right?" Jacqueline asked.

"Yes." Grace answered.

"Are you ready for sophomore year?"

"I think I am. Freshman year was pretty easy. I'm not sure if sophomore year will be the same or a bit harder."

"Trust me, freshman and sophomore year are your easier years. Junior and senior year is where you'll likely hit rock bottom."

Dwayne nodded in agreement.

"Well thanks for the heads up." Grace giggled.

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