No Choice

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The next couple of days consisted of settling in. I was laying in my bed one night enjoying the silence, when there was a rhythmic knock on my door. Shadow perked up and slid over to the door quickly. She peeked out the peephole and I could tell by how her expression changed it was Alastor.

She opened the door before I even told her she could and I threw my hands up. She was too busy already snuggled up with Al's shadow to even noticed my 'disappointed mother' look.

I rolled my eyes as the shadows sunk into the floorboards. Alastor watched them, and then looked to me, a wicked smile on his face.

There is never not a wicked smile on the man's face.

He sat down on my bed and I looked at him cockeyed. "Yeeees Alastor?" His grin widened. I felt a pinch of fear but shoved it away. This is Al, he is my friend.

"I was just stopping by, darling. He's been bugging me all day, everytime I pass your room it seems." He was talking about his shadow. I snorted.

"Yea tell me about it. I always know whenever you're within 10 ft of me because Shadow whines and pouts because I tell her no, she cannot go bother you while you're working." Alastor chuckled. "Tell me about it darling, tell me about it."

We laughed and talked together for a while before Alastor called to his shadow. Both of our shadows popped up from the floor, we could only see the top half of their face, and they were silently chuckling. Alastor cocked an eyebrow suspiciously when suddenly my shadow rushed me and his rushed him and they bumped us to where we lost our balance slightly.

Well, I lost mine.

Alastor swayed slightly and I let out an 'eep' noise before falling into Alastor's chest. He instinctively wrapped his arms around me, his eyes widening, before he turned to the shadows, antlers growing and eyes turning black an menacing. They just shrugged and then sunk into the floorboards again.

I sat, shocked, my head pressed against Al's chest, his arms around me. I felt my face heating up and I scrambled off of him, my eyes flaring a dangerous red as I beckoned Shadow.

"Shadow," I started when she was in front of me, "bad. No. We don't invade people's personal space." shadow only rolled her eyes and sunk into the floor below my feet.

I looked at Alastor, who still looked taken aback. "I'm so sorry Al..." I knew he didn't like being touched, "that must have been uncomfortable for you. I'll talk to her more later, because I know that was her idea." I growled the last part, looking to Alastor's shadow who was behind him smirking.

What I didnt expect was when Alastor began to chuckle. "It's quite alright dear, I know you'd never try anything like that." I smiled, lowering my eyelids playfully, "oh yea~?" I crawled towards him on my hands and knees and put my index finger to his chest, slowly dragging it down.

His expression was nothing less than confused and what he didn't realize was that I was currently fighting Shadow for control to my own body. When I finally beat her, she was thrown from me and her and Al's shadow were laughing like idiots on the floor.

You probably could've baked cookies on my face my cheeks were so hot. Suddenly I began speaking in Shadow's language and turned to her with a growl, "that is enough! Both of you! Just because you two are lovebirds does not mean Alastor and I are, are planning to, or ever will be together. Now cut it out and stop making us uncomfortable."

Meanwhile Alastor was looking at me, a blank smile on his face as I smoothed out my puffed up hair. "Al, I'm so sorry. I don't know what's gotten into her." He shook his head, laughing dismissively, "neither I with my shadow dear, it's nothing to worry over." With that he stood up and left, his shadow reluctantly following him after dramatically parting with Shadow.

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