The Plan

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Laserbeak flew through the air above the dusty plains of Namibia, perching on Soundwave's arm at the camp with Megatron. "They are all dead, master." Laserbeak reported. Starscream soared through the sky, making loud roaring sounds from his engines as he also made his way to the camp where he transformed and landed, knocking up dust. "Sentinel has been handed the Matrix by Optimus, soon Magnus will be with us." Starscream also reported. "Good. You both have done me well. Soundwave, contact the Dreads and order them to attack Sentinel and his guards on their way back to their base." Megatron commanded. Soundwave nodded and walked away to contact them. "My lord, where exactly is Shockwave?" Starscream asked. "He is waiting for his next batch of orders near Chicago along with the Constructicons in their headquarters. The Autobots will no doubt find their base of operations soon, so Shockwave is prepared to leave." Megatron answered, pulling his hood over his head, "We should get ready to leave for Washington D.C. where we will meet Sentinel." Megatron added while walking away.

Sentinel was making his way back to NEST with Mirage, Sideswipe, and Bumblebee guarding him as they drove on the D.C. Parkway while Optimus went to answer a distress call he had received. Lennox strolled through NEST HQ as if it were a normal day until Brains stopped him. "You better have a good reason for this, Brains." Lennox advised as Brains crawled up obstacles to get in eye-line with Lennox. "I do! And it's extremely important!" Brains assured, "I was doing some searching and hacking as usual and I found images from Soviet probes sent to the Moon that were kept a secret and printed them! They called them 'strange rocks' but you can tell what they actually are." Brains explained, handing 3 images of what appeared to be hundreds of identical Pillars on the Moon's surface. "What do you think this means?" Lennox unpleasantly asked. "That the Decepticons wanted Optimus to revive Sentinel so they could kidnap him and force him to open the space bridge..." Brains clarified. Lennox starred at Brains, thinking of what to do. "Contact Sideswipe!" He yelled. "Energon levels detected on the D.C. Parkway!" A voice said through the speakers, "Now tracking three black Suburbans." It added as Lennox ran over to a window, looking through a window at a screen from a satellite view zooming in on the Suburbans as they grew closer to Sentinel.

Sideswipe received the message from Lennox about the approaching vehicles. The Suburbans had sirens, which allowed them to quickly and easily drive past everyone in their way. It forced the other cars on the roads to pull over, and they sped towards the Autobot trio. Sideswipe briskly ordered for Mirage and Bee to block the road. The three of them drove in the center of the white lines that were streaked across the pavement, which barricaded the Dreads that drove behind them. Each of the Dreads were inches from bumping into one of the Autobots, with the front bumpers of their vehicles brushing the rear bumpers of the latter. The Autobots began to slow down, which let Sentinel get further away from the beginning chaos. Crankcase, who was the Dread behind Bumblebee, began to become irritated and transformed with a loud clang. He kept his momentum and knocked Bumblebee to the other side of the road. Crankcase began running faster than Sideswipe and Mirage were driving, forcing them to pick up the pace. Sideswipe additionally transformed, keeping his momentum as well and whipped out his shotgun to shoot at the opposing Dread. He shot point-blank at the upcoming Dread, Crowbar, however, the Dread managed to avoid the bullet. He hopped a bit and flipped upon hitting the ground as he landed during transformation. Crowbar began running towards Sideswipe as the Dread behind Mirage, Hatchet, joined the fray by transforming himself and charging towards Mirage on all fours as a canine-like creature. A small creaking noise could be heard as he pushed down on his steel legs and leaped off the ground, attempting to crush Mirage. However, Dino slammed on his breaks, and caused Hatchet to crash into the roadway. Mirage transformed and jumped into the air, using his blades like hooks by throwing them at Hatchet ahead of him. "Gotcha! Ahahaha!" Mirage joyfully yelled as the blades, connected by cords, latched onto the Dread, who dragged him along the pavement. Bee hopped the barrier in the middle of the highway, looking in the distance at the battle and was upset he was missing it. Mirage was slowing down Hatchet but it wasn't enough to stop him. Sideswipe tried slicing Crowbar while not only keeping his distance, but also his momentum. Crankcase, who was now ahead of Sideswipe a little ways, started turning cars over to trip up the skating Autobot. Sideswipe was able to maneuver around the cars but Crowbar plowed through them and got in front of Sideswipe. Crankcase pulled out his blaster and shot at Sideswipe while still running. The blast knocked Sideswipe into the air, and he landed in his Stealth Force mode with a noisy clank, driving backwards. He swiftly veered around, with a loud swerving sound, in the right direction and continued chasing the Dreads in Stealth Force. He blasted his weapons at the backs of the Dreads, doing barely anything. Crankcase and Crowbar then suddenly jumped of the highway to the road below. Sideswipe went back to his robot mode and looked down at them as they crashed on the pavement. He looked back over on the highway to see Hatchet dragging Mirage. "Dino, let go!" Sideswipe shouted. Mirage was about to decline it until he saw Hatchet jump of the ledge. He tried to quickly unhook, but he fell with them. Sideswipe immediately jumped down on his own to help Mirage, being the only one to land properly.

Transformers Dark of the MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora