"Sophie wants to consecrate the remains of her dead ancestors." Rebekah grumbled as she too looked down at the mud that now caked her designer black boots.

"And she couldn't do it on her lonesome? Or better yet, without my very pregnant and wanted for dead, sister?" Harley's eyes glowed for a second as she glared at the short witch.

Sophie shrunk under the heretic's gaze, having never felt fear like this from anyone except the Marshall twin. "She insisted that she wanted to come."

"And you!" Harley swung around to fix her gaze on her twin sister who widened her eyes as if to say, 'Me'?

"Are you out of your bloody mind? Do you understand how dangerous it is for you to be traipsing around in the freaking Bayou? And do you understand that Klaus would have both of our heads- actually scratch that. Your head! Because he sure as hell can't do a damn thing to me." Harley's chest rose and fell quickly as she allowed her frustration to show.

Harley Quinn was many things, but for her sister, she was a mother. And it was so frustrating to deal with her when she didn't even seem to understand basic things, such as to stay hidden.

Hayley let out a deep sigh before she unfolded her arms. She knew that her sister meant well and she did understand the dangers but she needed to know who or better yet, what, saved her from the witches.

"I'm not gonna change your mind about being out here am I?" Harley eyed her sister warily, seeing the lack of change in her demeanor.

"Nope!" Hayley grinned widely at her big sister, knowing that she was going to give into what she wanted regardless.

"How peachy."

"Also, quick mention here because everyone has seemed to forgotten. A vampire just saw us, one of Marcel's. But he got away before I got the chance to grab him by his scruffy little neck." Rebekah gritted her teeth, frustrated that nothing seemed to be going right during this little adventure that she had been dragged on.

Harley giggled at the mention of Marcel's name before a smirk rose on her lips. "Don't worry your pretty little head too much about Marcel, yeah? I'll handle it. But please, make sure my sister doesn't get hurt or I'll forget that you mean something to Klaus and I will rip your little Original body to bits and pieces and eat you."

With a twisted grin on her lips and fire in her eyes, Harley gave them all a flutter of her fingers before she disappeared in a cloud of smoke, "Tata."

Rebekah stared at the space that she stood in, almost baffled that she had just been threatened by a girl who looked like she ate cake and ice cream for a living. "Your sister scares me."

"She scares everyone." Hayley deadpanned.


Harley fluffed her hair and licked her teeth to ensure her lipstick didn't smudge before she sashayed into Rousseau's, her hips swinging with every step.

Eyes were immediately on her, vampire and human alike. It was obvious as to why, Harley Quinn practically oozed sex appeal. You either wanted to be her or wanted to be with her, there was no in between.

Klaus' ears perked up as chatter erupted around them, what could have possibly grabbed everyone's attention so easily?

The hybrid was a mix of emotions as he spun on his stool and his eyes immediately met with familiar hazel eyes. He wanted to scream and he wanted to shout, what was she doing here? She was suppose to be with her sister, ensuring that she and the baby were safe.

Harley 》Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now