Chapter 15 : To Make You Feel My Love

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(Y/N's POV)

The next four days passed in a blur as you and Klavier and the newly engaged couple toured Germany and made many pleasant memories together. Before you knew it, it was finally Christmas day. You woke up on Christmas morning with Klavier pulling you into his arms and tightly grasping your waist as he kissed you awake. "Mmm" you sighed, opening your eyes and kissing Klavier back. "Good morning, my love." Klavier said, stroking your cheek. "Good morning, darling, merry Christmas!" you replied, pulling him down for another kiss. Klavier broke away reluctantly, sliding out of bed and standing up, pulling you into his arms. He carried you to the window, where he pointed to the ground of the city outside. The city was blanketed in a freshly fallen, soft, white snow. "We got snow for Christmas, my love." he said, wrapping an arm around your waist. You leaned back, resting your head against his shoulder. You looked up at him as he leaned down to kiss the top of your head again. "I think this has been the best week of my life, Klavier." You murmured contentedly. "I hope you have many better weeks to come, baby..." Klavier said as he brought you back to the bed, setting you down. 

"Before we go down to Aunt Liesel, I have a Christmas present for you." he said with a gentle smile. He reached into his bedside drawer and removed a small velvet box and presented it to you. You took the box from him and opened it, seeing a necklace. It was a golden shell with a little dark gem in the center of it, strung on a dainty golden chain. Klavier lifted the shell out of your hand, and held it up to you. "Look into the gem." he instructed. You leaned in, peering into the small dark gem. Inside, you saw the picture of you and Klavier, of the night you two spent together all those years ago. You gasped, tears filling your eyes. "Klavier... it's beautiful... I have no words, thank you so much." Klavier clipped the necklace around your slender neck quickly, before catching you up to his chest, and kissing you passionately. You returned it, feeling so much love for him that it was practically overflowing your emotions. You then pulled away, and reached for a small card you tucked into the bedside, and said "I have a gift for you as well, my love." you said, passing it to him. He opened the card, and inside was a slim, silver band bracelet. (Klavier likes jewelry a lot) Inside the band was engraved with their initials, and a message from you. "I could hold you for a million years, to make you feel my love - Y/N". You knew Klavier loved that song. He'd often sing it to you when you fell asleep at night, and anytime you were uneasy. You felt the song perfectly summed up your feelings for each other. Klavier read the inscription, and this time he quickly swiped a hand over his eye. "Y/N..." he sounded choked. "You've made me the happiest I've ever been. I feel like all the suffering I endured the past year is melting away the more time I've spent with you..." He swiped at his eye again, and slipped the bracelet on "You make my life complete, Y/N. I don't want anything more than you. I'm glad I found you." You gently crawled into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, and the two of you held each other close, drowning in the love you shared, for what felt like an eternity. 

When the two of you came downstairs dressed and ready, Liesel laughed. "It took you two lovebirds long enough!" she said. She motioned to the table where two plates of steaming cinnamon buns sat. "Sit down and have breakfast with me before we leave for Y/N's house!" She said. You leaned down and hugged Liesel, while Klavier kissed her cheek. "Merry Christmas, Auntie!" They said. You passed Aunt Liesel a small box. "Klavier and I picked this out for you." you said. Liesel opened the box, and saw a set of an emerald necklace, and earrings, 

 Liesel opened the box, and saw a set of an emerald necklace, and earrings, 

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"It's absolutely beautiful, my dears." Aunt Liesel said, with a gentle smile, stroking her finger along the necklace. "I'll wear it to the party tonight," she said. "We're glad you like it, Aunt Liesel." Klavier said, smiling at his lover and his aunt. After breakfast, Liesel went upstairs to get ready, and you and Klavier cleaned up the dishes and collected the gifts you bought for your family and Ari and David. Aunt Liesel came back, and you guys got in the car, off to your parent's house. 

When you arrived, your mother rushed out to give you a hug. "Come on in, my dear. Your father is preparing the ham for dinner!" You followed her in, and as you were about to walk through the entrance into the kitchen, Klavier's arms caught you around your waist and pulled you back. He smiled as he pointed above your head. Hanging from the entry to the kitchen, was a lovely, fragrant sprig of mistletoe. "Oh mom..." you sighed, a smile forming on your lips as you spun to face Klavier. You cupped his face, while he twined his arms around your waist, and the two of you kissed sweetly under the mistletoe. You heard your dad sigh and your mom giggle as you broke away, a little breathless. You looked over to see your mom holding up her phone. "MOM! Did you take a picture!?" You exclaimed, rushing over. "Of course I did! It was my daughter's first kiss under the mistletoe with her new boyfriend!" She said, slipping her phone back in her pocket. In the corner of your eye, you saw a pained shadow cross Klavier's face as he thought about you kissing your previous boyfriend under the mistletoe. You slipped back to Klavier and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Never again." you whispered. "I'll be here. With you." Klavier leaned down and kissed your forehead, before leaving to help your dad with the meal. You and Aunt Liesel went to your mother to help her with the desserts and treats. 

All of you had stockings hung over the fireplace that your family had put up. There was one for Klavier and Aunt Liesel and David and Arianna as well. When Arianna and her new fiance, David, showed up, you all sat down to open your stockings. Everyone else had the usual, candy, gift cards, a small treat, an orange, etc. (A/N my parents have always put an orange and a bottle of ramune in our stockings. Then there's candy and small toys or cute things like lotion or skin masks, etc.) but your stocking was filled with Gavinner's branded things. Your mom laughed in a mischievous mirth when you opened it. There was a lip balm in blood orange flavor, candy in little bags with the logo on it, a Gavinner's t-shirt, a necklace, a pair of socks, a bowl of plastic stew. "Klavier, what is the plastic stew about?" You asked in utter confusion as you examined it. Klavier was trying to control his silent laughter. He'd been shaking the entire time you examined the contents of the stocking. He hadn't planned this with your mother, but he got a kick out of seeing you so confused. "Oh, that! I'm surprised you didn't know. They're a collectible item. Proceeds go to fighting child hunger. Hence the stew." He laughed. "I honestly have no idea who decided it had to be a plastic bowl of stew and not a wristband or something." You set the plastic stew aside. "That's a really good story behind it. Makes receiving a plastic bowl of stew for Christmas less weird." you said, giving your mom side eye. Diane had her head down on the table, still in hysterics over her prank. You smiled, shaking your head, simply happy to see your mom and dad having such a good time. Arianna and David had kinda been in their own little world the whole time they were there, happy to be celebrating, and joyful in their love for each other. You looked around at the smiling faces of all the people you loved gathered together, and your heart practically glowed with happiness. 

The rest of the evening, you and your family, (and extended family) sat and watched Christmas movies, exchanged gifts, and had Christmas dinner together. The evening was filled with so much love and merriment that you would remember it as one of the best nights of your life for years to come. 

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