Curiosity Killed A Dog

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A few years had passed since dio first moved in. Your brother Jonathan is a bit older than both of you while you and Dio are close to the same age. Dio's birthday was a few months ago, celebrating him turning eighteen by throwing a party at the mansion. You didn't bother even trying to talk to him that day, he was busy with girls constantly flirting with him. Even so, he still managed to find you at the party sitting alone in your room.

"why are you here of all places on my birthday?" he questioned you. You were sitting at the edge of your bed when he slyly entered, he was not suppose to just barge into your room.

Startled, you jumped at the sound of his voice. You didn't expect him to find you here. You told him you just needed some air to calm your nerves, the party was really tiring-lasting for hours into the night. Dio stood there at your door, leaning onto the door frame. He stared at you for a long time before walking into your room, closing the door behind him.

quietly locking the door behind him.

The room was only lit by a small lamp on the dresser in the corner of your room. It cast a ominous shadow across Dios face, his fire like eyes glowing in the dark outcast. He walked toward you in his gold trimmed suit, a hand resting in his pocket.

He sat down right beside you at the end of your bed, his shoulders brushed yours. He swiftly laid his arm across your shouldersas he eyed you. You were taken aback by how close he sat next to you. He always seemed to have a habit of being near you, or following you into town (for whatever reason he did), but he never was close enough to be physically touching you.

Sitting side by side with dio made you realize how tall he was. You have always disliked him so you kept your distance, so seeing his size compared to you having to look high up made you...scared. You never did seem to shake the ominous feeling he gave off, always keeping your guard up around him like Jonathan told you many years ago. You look down at your feet and shift your arms to the side of the bed to resituate yourself and move farther from him since you were practically hugging.

"no... Your not running off again... " he softly hisses under his breath as he grabs your wrists to stop you from moving. You flinch from the warmth of his hands, you expected them to be cold, like him. You drive your eyes towards his. With his hands still wrapped around your wrists you ask him what he wants as a spout of anger washes over you. He doesn't need to be this close to me let alone hold onto me, it's not like I'm a puppy running away.

He shifts closer to you filling the small gap between both of your faces. Your noses touch and you freeze. His hands that were on your wrists shift behind you, one holding the small of your back and the other right beside your thigh, balancing him. His eyes travel along your face first looking directly at you, then to your lips.

He stands up slowly letting go of your gaze. He removed his hand from behind you before muttering something under his breath and turning to leave. You sit there blushing not knowing what to say. The feelings from your close encounter quickly turned to anger, he shouldn't even be in my room let alone holding me in any way! Yet before you can tell him off, he mutters softly to you "I have never seen what color your eyes were... I was curious". He stares at the ground before unlocking the door and walking out, he hesitated to close it at first, then slams it.

You fight the urge to follow him, and lose the fight.

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