Chapter 8

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"Do you think it's a good idea to stay here?" Ash asked as she followed Little Cato

"This place has a bit of network-" Little Cato huffed as he climbed higher "once Gary, the youtube--"

"I know who" Ash rolled her eyes as she followed

"Once he uploads another video about the Inn idea we'll make our way there" the boy continued

"So...our plan is to trust a random human on the internet- exactly the opposite parents tells us what to do?" Ash crossed her arms with an amused expression "I like it"

When Avocato had found out Gary was out and about, he decided to do the same, there were no rules he couldn't leave the mansion after all- and even if there were...Avocato wouldn't obey them, Gary isn't the boss of him.

So he grabbed his gun and made his way out, wanting to explore the area himself as he couldn't just sit still as thoughts of his son would fill his mind.

Stepping out Avocato's ears picked up the sound of what one could only assume it was a female scream. Turning towards the direction, Avocato made his way towards the noise, sprinting and zooming past many shops until

"Oh my crap!!" The high pitched voice screamed and and out of an alley came Gary, barely being able to keep standing because of some flashy looking rollerskates.
Behind the human, was a group of... half naked zombies. Of course...only this dumb human could achieve such a thing.
Pulling out his gun, Avocato shot each down while making his way towards the human- with this he payed back his debt and saved him back.

"Oh! Avocato!!" Gary shouted, glad to see the other. He attempted to stand properly but instead he kept moving in a singular place, trying to regain balance

"Avocato!!" He screeched with fear now, poiting towards the alley, signifying that there was more zombies to come.
Growling, Avocato rushed fowards, taking the chance to glance down the alley to see a group of hooker zombies making their way towards him. They were getting closer and it would be too difficult to shoot each down so instead the ventraxian lifted Gary up bridal style and began to run away.

"Why are you so heavy?!" Avocato shouted, trying to create some distance between them and the zombies

"I'm sorry!!" Gary half sobbed with guilt "it's the bag not me! I swear!"

Continuing jogging, Avocato glanced back to check how far the zombies were now, sighing once he noticed they created enough distance.

"Take off those shoes" Avocato placed Gary down on a chair from a cafe nearby, poiting to the rollerskates before pulling out his gun

"Right!" Gary nodded quickly, cheeks slightly rosy from embarrassment.

While the blond quickly removed the rollerskates and socks, tying their laces to his bag and standing barefoot on the concrete, Avocato was shooting the zombies that were walking uphill, having trouble to shoot every single one.

"Agh!" Avocato's ears perked up and he turned to see the blond wince, hand grasping hard onto arm

"Are you injured?" Avocato asked, turning back to shoot the rest of the zombies

"All good" Gary shook his head "I'll just need to stitch my jackets sleeve back properly" he chuckled

Avocato only hummed, shooting the last zombie down and placing his gun back on his back. The blond sighed in relief, walking towards the ventraxian

"Thanks for saving my ass back there" he laughed

"Don't thank me- I was just returning the favour" Avocato gave a small smile back

"Well...let me treat you anyway" Gary pointed behind him to the café with a wink to which Avocato chuckled at

"Alright" he nodded, walking in as Gary rushed fowards to open the door for him

"Anything you'd like?" Gary asked, jumping over the counter

"An espresso" Svocato sat down on a table that was surprisingly clean, he assumed that Gary sat here often

"Espresso coming up!" Gary smacked the machine a few times in order to get it working before preparing the drink for his new and only friend.
Once done, he walked around the counter and placed the drink in front of Avocato before pulling up a dusty chair to sit in front of him, grinning from ear to ear

"Thanks" Avocato lifted a brow at Gary, not questioning the reason for the other's happiness

"Anytime" Gary giggled

((Couldn't be bothered to continue the chapter so it's a short one XD))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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