Chapter 1

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It was quiet as any other day, really.
Dark smoke rising into the air here and there, scattered belongings, unmoving traffic.
A normal person would have been devastated but then again the normal didn't survive.

"Good morning Carl!" He greeted as he entered the local 24 hour supermarket, giving a cheerful wave on his way in.
Pushing an old trolley, he hummed a cheerful tune as he made his way down the many untidy isles, grabbing anything he seemed to like or need.

When had it all began? When had things turned south?
It was hard to pinpoint the beginning of this tragedy.

"Oh! Breathmint!" The human grabbed the mints, pushing his trolley out the door

"RAUUGHHH!" Carl groaned, hands out to the man but seeming never to reach him as he had a kid's leash preventing him from doing so

"Oh! Fiesty as ever" he only laughed, reaching into his pocket to pull out his cellphone "say cheese!" He grinned, lifting his phone high and snapping a picture.
Examining the picture, he couldn't help but frown...

"It's hideous! Look at that hair- gross!" He yucked "you look good though, Carl- for a zombie"

The undead-
People who should be dead but somehow aren't dead-
Walking corpses

Yeah- they have those now.

The streets were empty, barely any living person nearby. Luckily, he was in a small town when the apocalypse first occurred- which meant less people and less zombies around like in the big cities.
Just like Carl, the zombie from the supermarket who he found out was a young adult that had some....weird hobbies, he had trapped other zombies, making it save for him to roam the town mostly undisturbed.

"I'm home" he called despite the house being empty, he picked out a big nice house- happy that who's ever rich ass that lived here was long gone- probably escaping on a ship, you the rich did?
The shopping cart had been discarded outside, forcing the man to bring the groceries back inside himself.

Currently, he had only explored nearby areas- making sure to draw out a map with the locations of where he trapped zombies, where it was too dangerous to go and so on...
He was keeping tabs on everything, takinga professional approach- though....he wished he had used something better than markers and crayons.

"Alright!" He huffed as the tidied everything away, using one of the old bedrooms to store food in case an emergency were ever to occur.
Spinning towards his room, he took his vintage 2013 camera from his desk and began recording

"Howdy Hi!" He greeted the camera with a dazzling smile, sitting on his spinny chair and allowing it to spin a few times before he finally stopped and faced the desk "Gary Goodspeed here"

Gary Goodspeed was a 20 year old human, skin a mild white and eyes a faded blue. His hair was a dirty blond, stylized into some 1990s curtains- he was a vintage fanatic to say the least, owned as much as old stuff he cpuld get his hands on, like the camera.
Sure, Gary could go to the store and grab one of those floating cameras- and he did...because those are also cool- but he preferred using his trusty old camera, uploading his videos online in hopes a survivor would one day see it and maybe...hang out?
He was pretty lonely, having no one but zombies to talk to.

Did he have family? Not that he knew of.
Gary was sure he had a mom but she never cared enough for him after his father's death...or before that. His first few years without her were spent jumping from foster home to foster home to foster family to foster home.....

During his school years, Gary struggled with pretty much everything- making friends, studying, maths, physical education, fitting in, maths....maths...

He was alright at electronics and science though, he also knew how to play some instruments since his father used to play but understood nothing about music. He could draw bugs perfectly but couldn't draw a human person without big anime eyes...
So in short- his forte was electronics which came quite useful during the apocalypse.

Gary had made sure he had WiFi and a way to contact others, foxing anything that needed fixing. He also took the chance and hacked into people's accounts, finding out about their lives before the zombie life- It wasn't weird! He just wanted to know a good subject to start a conversation with them! (And maybe find out where they live and burrow things from their homes since they had no need for it anymore)

"Things have been pretty much the same so far" he placed the camera on a small stand before leaning back on the chair "I saw Carl, brought stuff...the usual..." he sighed.

The camera had heard a lot of things from him that his site hadn't. It was useful that he could talk honestly and edit the videos on his laptop later on.

"I have no idea what to do..." he looked down with a frown "which means!" The man suddenly looked up with a huge grin, standing up and running off frame to gather something.
The sound of things falling and rummaging was heard before he pushed a board up, the board had a few doodles as well a list of things he needed to do. Slapping it, the board span around dramatically to reveal a wheel with many options

"You know the deal!" He grinned widely "Spin...the...Wheel!" And so he span the wheel, taking a few steps back to bounce in place excitedly.
The wheel had many options for activities the blond could do- Gary had thought ahead, knowing he'd face the disaster of boredom with no other living being by his side.

"Oh!" The wheel began to slow down "Oh! Oh! Oh!" The arrow seemed to be poiting at the activity of "complete a mission" before gravity caused it to land on "stay home"

"What?!" Gary exclaimed before groaning and flopping on his chair dramatically "why did I even add that?!" He shouted to the ceiling, knowing the walls were thick enough that no zombies could hear him from outside (not that he had to worry as he had made sure most zombies in this area were trapped in or to something)

He sat there for a few moments, spinning to look at the camera as if he was in a TV show

"Oh! I know!" He chirped happily "I'll give you a house tour! Been a while since I've done one of those, a lot has chances actually" he smiled, reaching over for the camera.

"Okay! Okay!" He looked around, digging his hand in a pile of clothes before pulling out the new 2040 flying camera. He switched it on and decided to record footage on both cameras to take in more angles of "his" house.

"This!" He opened up his arms, gesturing around him "Is my room! As you can see there's a bathroom connected there- I don't think I mentioned this in my last tour but I actually picked out the smallest bedroom in the house! It was hard moving a decent size bed in here- I think it used to be a baby's room" he spoke, taking close shots of things around and rambling about them- he'd cut anything that wasn't needed.

"Right besides my room is like my man cave except its not in the basement- the basement I made an actual emergency thingy- you know like in the movies?" He showed around "like- basically a mini house but you hide there in case something happens"

"This here is where I keep all my vintage games- they are organised by date released" Gary gestured to the shelf proudly "I've been collecting as you can see- Oh! Oh yeah! Look at this!" He rushed to the end of the room, showing a gaming machine you'd find in arcades but it was all pixels "how cool is that?! It's packman! PACMAN!" he spoke excitedly "I sacrificed everything to get this bad boy"

"By the way- I got the Final Space Vr game that came out before the whole zombie bizz" Gary showed it to the camera, all giddy "I'll be doing a playthrough of it soon so be on the lookout" he winked at the camera.

The rest of the day was spent pretty much Gary talking to the camera as he usually did, giving his tour and then editing the video on his laptop, uploading it online before finally getting some rest.

I have so many drafts of Garycato AUs and I usually try get more chapters before uploading
But since the next episode is soon and the babysitter has a bit of....angst- I wanted to try give you guys something more light hearted for now ^^))

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