Tarrin looks at me, then sighed, "Alec met with me earlier to inform me of what he knew of Demitricus' sudden disappearance. I did not form this unit to simply fix one's attitude or to improve camaraderie. I put all of you together to find Demitricus and bring him back before those damn angels get to him first."

"So? Is the whole Agatha thing fake? Does she even exist?"

"It isn't. I didn't believe Alec when he told me that he would free Agatha in exchange for his request to find Demitricus. I needed to see if he was true to his word; forgive me if I find it difficult to trust gods nowadays."

Gideon scoffed, causing the rest of my unit to voice their questions and reactions. I remained quiet, watching Tarrin as he waited for me to react as well.

Tarrin faced the man I was with earlier then frowned, "Lore, what were you doing with my assassin?"

Lore. Lore.
Hades' new name was Lore.

How pretty, I thought.

Lore smiled at me, then redirected his gaze at Tarrin, who looked terrified.

"I just wanted to see it up close." He said with that voice I had heard in my dream.

I stared at Lore. He knew I was there in his head, I'm sure. But calling me "it"? The God of Death and Darkness was nothing more than a God of Dickhead and Dumbass.

I rolled my eyes at him then walked over to Warren. Grabbing his arm with my hand gilded with numerous golden rings as I said while walking out, "I'll leave the rest of you to gaze at each other's eyes at your little reunion. We wouldn't want to bother the gods."

We walked out of the throne room to return to the room filled with people dancing and drinking.

Taylor, Olivia, and Matt soon joined us, watching the people as we just stood there, basking in the noise.

Taylor sighed loudly, then smiled. "Well, might as well get drunk until our body screams for mercy, right?"

I smiled at her then grabbed her arm as we all made our way to the bar. Time to get absolutely shitfaced drunk.



She looked... interesting. She wore a dress that exposed her neckline, the bottom cut into an upside down V shape to expose her legs. The sleeves were as long as the dress, but it was cut midway to show her arms that were full of battle scars that came from her line of work. The dress was a beautiful mix of gold and black, just like mine I realized. I was wearing an all-black suit tonight with golden rings to match.

Alec had informed me that he went to Tarrin earlier this week to ask him for assistance in finding Demitricus. We were doubtful about his presence in the mortal realm, but we reached out nonetheless. And upon that discovery, I discovered her as well.

I was drinking in my library when I heard them. I teleported in the room to threaten whoever was inside, planning on killing them for trespassing when I made it clear to Hermes that this side of the castle was to be forbidden from the partygoers.

Before I could even step out of the shadows, she stopped kissing him and brought her hidden dagger to his throat. I almost felt bad for the wraith when she whispered words that would make anyone, mortal or immortal, bow to her. There was power in the way she said it, the wraith clearly agreeing as he started whimpering and wetting himself. She then drove the whole dagger through his throat, the impact so strong it also went through the stone wall.

The God & The ShadowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora