chapter 11

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Next day,Erana was straddled next to Mia.Mia face was buried into Eranas neck."Hi"Erana whispered in her ear.Mia slightly woke up.Erana got out of the bed brushed her teeth and grabbed her bag."where you going"Mia asked."I'm going out to eat breakfast"Erana said."Let me come with you"Mia jumped off the bed."You are going to eat breakfast with your family Erana said."Why can't I come with you"mia frowned.Mia and Erana walked downstairs and her dad was the only one downstairs on the couch ."I'll be back in an hour"Erana pecked her lips."Just let me come with you"Mia begged."Just get out"Dave said"You shut up"Erana pointed."hey,what are you doing"Mia said."im not doing anything"Erana muttered."Come lets go"Mia grabbed her hand and took her to the car.Erana laid her head on the steering wheel."Why you talking to him like that"MIa asked."Are you  joking,Baby I don't wanna start an argument with you"Erana said."why you talking to him like that"Mia repeated."What do you mean,yesterday he dug his fucking nails into my neck and pushed me,he pulled my hair and dragged me,I think i can talk to him like that"Erana exclaimed."Its not his fault"Mia whispered.Erana looked at her in shock."why the fuck are you protecting him"Erana said."he is my dad"Mia said."Ye okay,go be with your dad,go be with the person that abused your girlfriend,that is begging you to stop loving me"Erana said."But we know that is never gonna happen Mia said."so you think I'm just gonna let your dad punish me.dont you get it Mia,im hurting that i spend miles away from you and if you wanna keep trying to make your dad a better person,by all means go,but I'm not gonna be part of it"Erana exited the car"Mia followed her out."You saw what he did to me and you are still protecting him"Erana cried."I'm not protecting him,baby I don't want you to leave Mia cried.Mia moved closer to Erana."Bubba,im scared"Erana admitted.Mia could feel her heart shatter after them words,Erana was scared of my dad."I know but just stay for a while and we are gonna make sure he doesn't touch you"Mia begged.Erana hugged her tightly."I love you Mia healey"Erana exclaimed."I love you Erana james"They both laughed.

After they both decided to eat breakfast.They drove back home.Mia opened the door and they both walked in hand in hand.All eyes were on the girls."Hi"Erana said."Hey"Melody smiled.
"Im gonna go upstairs"Erana whispered to her.Mia nodded and went over to sit next to her siblings.40 minites later,Mia finished taking to her siblings and went upstairs.She walked into her room and saw Erana on her phone.Mia jumped on top of her.Erana groaned in pain."Sorry,I just felt like doing it"Mia laughed.Erana leaned over sitting on top of Mia.She kissed her lips.Then went down to her neck.Mia went to put her hands underneath Erana shirt but Erana stopped her."What wrong"Mia asked."I don't want you to see the big ass bruise on my stomach"Erana said."Erana i don't care,does it still hurt"Mia muttered."No"Erana said."Then I don't care"Mia grabbed her shirt and pulled her closer.After a few minutes of making out.Mia scooched next to her."I want to talk about"Erana said looking away."Okay"Mia moved closer."Whats our plan,we havent even talked about it,like do you want to marry me or do you not"Erana started talking really fast."Hey,calm down"Mia laughed."Sorry".Erana apologized."Yes i do,let's plan a aguast wedding"Mia smiled."I would love that"Erana and Mia got too caught up in the moment and started kissing again but this time they wanted more.Mia started by taking off Erana shirt leaving in her lacey bra."Sexy"Mia whispered.Mia bit her neck,which was probably a bad idea.Erana knew exactly what she did.Erana quickly got up and went to the mirror."No,Mia,Why"Erana said."Sorry,but can we at least finish"Mia muttered."Shut up"Erana laughed.Erana went back and crawled on top of her kissing her bare stomach up to her neck.She was about to unstrap her bra until Spencer came in.They all gasped.Erana quickly hid herslrf in a blanket.Spencer covered his eyes and walked backwards out the door."Shit"Erana said."I forgot to lock it"Mia said."Well we ain't carrying on so come and help me get rid of this hickey."I can do it again if you would like"Mia put her mouth over her shoulder."Later maybe", Erana smirked.Erana and Mia went to the bathroom to cover the hickey with makeup."Im gonna go back home"Erana said."What,why when"Mia asked."On Friday in two days"Erana said."Why,i wanted you stay here"Mia said."I know but I think it best for me and you if I just go home"Erana muttered."No,you will have them anxiety attacks and I can't deal with you not being here"Mia said."I don't know and your dad,he ha......"Erana was cut off."What did I say,he can't ruin our relationship"Mia kissed her.

Its was 2pm,Mia and Erana aksed Melody and Spencer,if they wanted to go to the park.They walked out the house and Spencer started running,Erana tried to catch up then he entered the road but he didn't they the car but Erana got there just in time and pushed him onto the pavement bagging his head.Erana toppled over the car making the glass break.Erana was now lying on the ground with blood coming from her head.Dave and Jobeth came running out.Melody,dave and Jobeth ran over to Spencer.Mia went over to Erana."ERANA"Mia Cried.She pulled her phone to call the ambulance.She quickly took a look over to Spencer to see if he was okay.Erana was lying there unconscious on the floor.Spencer was also lying unconscious because he banged his head.A few minutes later ambulance came and tried to pound her heart but she wasn't waking up.Mia cried looking over to her.They both her in the stretcher and gave her oxygen."Are you a family member The doctor asked.Mia nodded."That boy is coming in that ambulance,you can come in ths one"The doctor said.I climbed into the ambulance and out the sirens on.They were still trying to wake her up."There is a pulse"She said."We need to get there quick".The other doctor said.once they got to the hospital.Erana and Spencer were quickly rushed into a room."Mia what happened"Jubeth(Mia's mom)Asked."He......he was running....and the car........Erana ran and....and pushed him out of the why"Mia stuttered.Jubeth leaned and hugged her.

30 minutes later,A doctor came."Are you the parents of Spencer goodkind"He asked."Yes we are"She said."I am so sorry,we did everything we could".Jubeth dropped to the floor crying and melody and dave were also crying next to her.Mia was froze she couldn't hear anything,She covered her mouth with her palms and let outbher tears."NO,NO,NO"Mia screamed.Everbod turning there attention to Mia.The parent left because they didn't want to cry in front of everybody.Mia stayed."Are you the friend of Erana james"She asked."Yes"Mia said."She is asking for you,Room 2"She said.I got up with my eyes looking all swollen.When I entered the room there was a bandage tied around her head and arm."How is he"Erana said in her weak voice.Mia shaked her head,starting to cry.Erana knew what she was trying to say."No,No"Eranan constantly shaked her head.Erana covered her shoke face.She screamed at the top of her lung that the whole hospital could hear her.Mia went over to her and hugged her."FUCK,Why are you hugging me right now,I just.......I just killed him......Oh my god......I killed him"Erana said."Erana stop"Mia said in an angry tone."I killed him"Erana was in shock."Erana STOP,JUST STOP"mia shouted at her.Erana stared at mia.Mia could see she was broken.Erana started crying,Mia started crying with her.Erana got up for a few secounds to hug her but she slipped."Is your leg broken"Mia asked."I'm so fucking  sorry,forgive me mia,forgive me"Erana begged."Erana you saved himyou didn't do nothing wrong,you saved my brother,and I will never forget that you risked your life for that"Mia said."IM SO SORRY"Erana cried.Mia had never seen her cry like that,she was hurt to see that way of Erana.

A few hour later.Mia was asleep next to Erana on the bed.They both cried so much,they were exhausted and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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