Dean scanned the area as he pulled up and he shook his head at himself as he forced his body to get out the car.

The place hadn't changed in the slightest.

Maybe things looked a little more worn down than usual. There was more junk scattered around the front, but other than that, it was the same as it's always been.

Dean didn't bother to knock, especially since the front door was open anyway.

Silently he made his way through the house, still knowing exactly where all the squeaky floorboards were under the stained carpet as he walked down the hallway.

"What are you doing here?" A male voice questioned.

Dean turned around to find a teenager walking out one of the bedrooms behind him.

He instantly recognising the kid as the one he met him a few days ago at the local hardware store and it was clear the kid recognised him too.

"Lee, I want you to come with me." Dean said calmly.

"Why the hell would I do that?"

Before Dean had a chance to answer, the backdoor to the house opened behind him and his eyes widen in shock when his father walked through the door.

"Dean." John said, seeming just as surprised as he was.

He took in just how old his father had gotten. The past 20 years clearly not being kind to the old man, but that probably had to do with all the alcohol and drugs he's had over the years.

If Dean was honest, he was shocked the old man was still alive.

"They told me you were back. What a surprise. It's not even my birthday. What line of bullshit is he feeding you, son?" John asked, walking past Dean and over to Lee. "He lives here now, Lee's family now."

"This is no family. It never was." Dean muttered, trying to keep his anger in check as his hands formed fists by his side out of habit.

"Well, not to you, maybe. But you never figured that blood counted for much, did you?" John asked.

"I'll tell you what I do know. There was never an ounce of love in this house-"

"Oh, love. You're a weak piece of shit, Dean. You know that? You always were, you always will be."

"I'm weak?" Dean chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "You were my father and you treated me like an animal."

"I tried to make a man outta you. But, it was already too late when you started sticking your dick in that Novak boy. Fucking fag. You never appreciated a goddamn thing I gave you either." John spat while Lee stood off to the side glancing between the two of them, not knowing what to do.

"And what did you give me? These?" Dean asked, pulling down the collar of his shirt exposing some of the scars across his chest.

Lee eyes widened in shock, but Dean kept his eyes locked with his fathers.

"You are weak. And you're not worth it. I'm not gonna let you ruin another person's life like you tried to ruin mine. I'm taking the boy, if he'll go." Dean stated, glancing over at Lee. "And there's nothing you can do to stop me, because you're just a scared old man who doesn't want to go back to prison. Don't get in my way." Dean growled, glaring at his father before he walked past him towards Lee.

"It's okay." Dean said gently, motioning towards the front door.

Lee nodded, not looking back at John before he turned around and began walking towards the door and Dean followed him back to the Impala.

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