Chapter 1

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A/N- Disclaimer:

This fic is heavily inspired by the book/movie The Best of Me.
Some quotes are also taken from both, so credit to the rightful owners.

Anyway, I have most of this fic already written, so hopefully the gap between chapters won't be long and I hope you all enjoy it.

Dean Winchester never thought his life was worth much.

But, when he survived the explosion on the logging site he began to wonder if there was some purpose to his life. That maybe he was on a destined path, even if he couldn't see it yet.

He'd been working at The Purgatory Logging Site for 14 years and thought he had seen it all.

From forest fires to loaded trucks losing control and crashing on the muddy terrain. He'd seen more broken bones than he could count, along with the everyday cuts and bruises from the job, but the explosion was something different.

The day started out like every other Thursday. Dean had been sawing away at wooden logs that had already been cut down by the river bed. Making sure they were the correct sizes to fit into the back of the semi-trucks.

Benny Lafitte and a few others were nearby using the crane to lift the freshly cut logs into piles.

And that's when it all went to hell.

The crane tipped, crashing into the log pile. The iron droppers set up to keep the logs in place pierced through the fuel tank sending fuel spraying out the crane.

Dean barely had a second to process everything before fire began to spark from the engine of the crane. All the workers began to run away, knowing that fire and leaking fuel wasn't a good combination.

He was about at join them before he spotted a bunch of workers including, Benny, stuck underneath the logs with his leg pinned.

Without hesitation, Dean grabbed the axe sticking out a wooden stump beside him and rushed over to Benny.

He didn't really know the other man that well, but considered him a work friend. Dean knew he had a wife and daughter waiting for him at home and like hell he was going to leave Benny here.

Dean wasn't sure how he did it, but he managed to use the axe as some kind of leaver and lifted the log just enough for Benny to get his leg free.

At just a quick glance, Dean could tell that the leg was broken, although he wasn't sure how bad it was and he didn't have time to worry about it now.

He quickly grabbed Benny's arm, slinging it over his shoulders as he practically dragged his friend away from the ticking time bomb of a crane.

One of the other workers quickly took Benny from him before Dean ran back to help the others stuck under the logs and that's when the explosion happened.

The flames finally reached the leaking fuel causing the entire crane to erupt.

The force of the explosion launched him into the air, metal debris hitting him in the face in the process before he landed in the river. The quick current sent him downstream towards the waterfall.

He had vague memories of falling from the edge of the waterfall. A fall that should have killed him in an instant, but the next thing he knew he was floating in the water.

For a moment, he wasn't entirely sure if he was dead or alive as he closed his eyes and that's when he saw him.

Castiel Novak.

He hadn't seen Cas for over 20 years, but for some reason his mind began to hallucinate the man he fell in love with all those years ago.

Cas was walking towards him through a garden bed of tulips, wearing his usual trench coat and a warm smile. But, Dean knew it wasn't real.

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