It was Silver, the Captain of that treacherous ship, and the planner of her kidnapping. "Captain." The man greeted with a hint of uncertainty, bowing slightly. Silver nodded at him, "Hawkins." Although he was a pirate it seemed as though his crew had tremendous respect for him, even if she didn't. 'Hawkins' then left leaving her alone with that... she didn't really know what he was, but it was not a man. "I see you're awake." He said in a surprised tone walking left of the table, her right, with made her walk in the opposite direction, avoiding him in every possible way. Even if it meant walking in a circle around a table. A smirk formed on his lips, seeing her reaction to him getting closer. "I thought you'd stay in bed. I'm also glad ye got dressed, I don't want ye distracting my men." He spoke slow emphasizing his words which made him sound mysterious, in his own mind, of course. Gathered all her courage she spoke, but not without her voice shaking ever so slightly, "Not all princesses stay in bed late, well certainly not me." Taking careful steps on the wood, he looked impressed, "So she does have a proper voice?" Mocking her he stopped and placed his hands on table leaning forward, making her stop on the other side. His forest eyes had danger written all over them. "Very funny." He chuckled. "And she has sass." He just wanted to boil her blood, which worked but annoyed her more. "Why did you abduct me?" She asked with anger, making him stand up right and walk in the circle from before. "You see, I was paid very handsomely to kidnap ye." He declared almost, using his right hand to emphasize more. "Why?" Evelyn asked sternly, he stopped again and looked at her from the corner of his eye with his hands behind his back. He didn't say anything he just stood there. "Why!?" She demanded, which made him smirk playfully and head out the door. "No please!" Slamming the door and locked it Evelyn grabbed the handle and pulled with all her strength, but it did not work. "Please..." She whispered to herself and sat on the floor, crying.


It had been a week on that retched ship, a week stuck in that stuffy cabin. It was hard to tell what the days were and marked on the side of the bookshelf, with a nail, the days that passed. She had tried escaping countless times, but Silver always seemed to catch her. One night he returned slightly drunk and had forgot to lock the door, all she had to do was wait for him to go to sleep. Not long and she finally saw her chance, quietly opening the door a medium sized knife stuck into the wood beside her, releasing a scream of fear. Silver then slept on the floor with a pillow, in front of the door and always made sure to lock it. And after he took up residence near her bookcase she slept on the other side of his bed. He never spoke to her, and Evelyn was not upset about it. She did not want to talk to him, and she most definitely did not want to make small talk. But despite all that she had tried asking him questions about where they were going. Evelyn had also tried asking about the man who had paid for her kidnapping, but he did not budge. He left early in the morning, when she was fast asleep, and would return late at night but not for bed, he first scanned his papers and maps – writing once a while – before he slept. She did not understand him and quite frankly she didn't want to she just wanted to know why she was taken and not any of her sibling as well. If it was for money, the more the merrier but it was just her. What made her important?

A pigeon with a letter had cropped up out of the blue one early morning which confused him. Of course, his men were even more confused and tried shooting it. Finally dead Henry brought the bird to him. 'Change of plans. Bring them to Tortuga.' Furious with the new destination, it annoyed him if a set plan was changed as if they could fly. Ignoring it as it also cut their travel time immensely he spoke with Hawkins about the plan, he didn't like the idea. He hadn't liked the idea ever since they agreed to it but listened to his Captain and set a new course.

Evelyn had nothing to do and was bored out of her mind. It gave her a lot of time to think. One of the many things she had thought about was what if she wasn't the daughter of royalty. What life would have been like and what type of woman she would grow up to be. And because she wouldn't be queen for a long time, unless she married a prince, or her four older siblings died miraculously, it would never happen. Would she have had siblings if she wasn't a princess? The insanity was getting to her, and Evelyn needed to find something to do. Finding comfort in the books that sat collecting dust she began readying. Most of the books were adventure and traveling novels, or the ones she found were. However, she did not know how long she was going to be on that ship she might as well read them all and find out.

The afternoon Silver came back earlier than he normally did, Evelyn lit a few candles in her corner to continue reading. Hanging his things he sat down leaning back in his chair, letting out a deep, almost annoyed sigh, rubbing his eyes and brushing his hair back. Glancing at his coat she had thought of trying to steal his weapons off his belt, but she didn't know how to use a pistol or fight with a sword, she was too afraid to try as he might kill her, that was not on her agenda. Looking away from the wall she saw Silver in deep thought, well, deeper though then what he normally was. Ignoring his strange behavior, she saw in the corner of her eye Silver watching her intensely. Swallowed thickly, Evelyn tried ignoring him, but he kept staring, it was unsettling. Reacting on instinct Evelyn turned slightly and shrugged at him, which made him tilt his head to the other side, sighing once more he went back to his papers. Walking to her "bed", relieved he stopped staring, she was beside him when something caught her interest in his hand.

Walking closer he was studying a map, reading the title she did not noticed she said it aloud. "Spain?" "Hmm?" He hummed questioningly, turning his head to her causing her to flinch. "Have ye been?" It was the first sentence he had said to her in all that time. Answering him solemnly as she didn't know if he would get mad if she didn't. "No." He smiled, which was strange to her, he faced his attention back to the map. "Have you ever been to Spain?" She asked, choosing her words wisely. She was curious, and she hoped it would give her more information. Taking a deep breath, he spoke as one who longed for something, "Once." Asking another question, she stood closer, looking at him carefully. "Would you like to go again?" He smiled at her question and stood up which made her back away. Standing in front of her, he chuckled, "Interested, are we?" Stood still, not really sure what he meant with those words Evelyn tried her best not to move, placing her hand on the sapphire. Scratching his slightly bearded chin, Silver tilted his head as he watched her movement; the sapphire caught his attention and his eyes lit up. "Do ye love the ocean?" He asked suddenly, his eyes shot to hers. Replaying the words in her head, she nodded slowly at his question. Facing the window, she followed but did not want to take her eyes off of him. "Would ye like to see it?" He looked back at her, a smile on his lips. Evelyn was perplexed she didn't know what to answer. Huffing at her he dropped his head, almost as if he was in despair but looked back up. "The ocean." He made his question clearer, although she understood what he meant, she wasn't sure why he was asking. Glancing at the window she dreamt of a day she would see the ocean with her own two eyes, it was just a matter of when. Slowly looking back at him she nodded yes. A smile formed on his slightly dry lips, turned his body to his table he spoke once more. "First thing tomorrow morning." A soft smile escaped her which she quickly whipped away as she did not want to show him kindness. Walking to her spot once more she laid on the hard wood, taking deep breaths, slowing her heart rate.

That night she could not sleep. The first problem she faced was the ship full of pirates - her first encounter with them wasn't very pleasant - which made her hands sweaty from the thought. The second though she had was she would be free of that stuffy cabin and smell the fresh salty air, the though invigorated her. Shaking her head she turned to her side and saw Silver fast asleep, his chest rising and falling gently. It was strange, he almost didn't seem like the same man. The man Evelyn knew as Captain Nickolas Silver was a tense, unpleasant man, however, that Nickolas was much calmer. She thought she would have that man figured out in that time, but the more she saw him the more he changed. The sound of waves relaxed her heart relax made her realise she had a long day awaiting her and needed some rest. Closing her eyes sleep consumed her sooner than she thought.

People running, guns blazing, swords clanging. Her throat was dry, her feet ached, and tears stained her cheeks. 'Run Evelyn! RUN!!' A voice kept echoing in the distance. 'Run, Eve!' Eve! Eve?

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